Tuesday, February 13, 2007

Things don't always turn out the way you planned...

It's been ages and ages since I updated. But of course, I'm supposed to be on vacation right now, and NOT in fact sitting in my paren'ts living room in Holt. See, I had two hours of paradise in the Thailand sun, and then... my insulin pump broke and it was hours upon hours of crying, freaking out, and trying to get a flight home. It was THE worst thing that has EVER happened to me. It was so horrible and scary and I just couldn't... function at that point. So I got on a plane and arrived in Detroit 36 hours later. And I'm not even going to TALK about my LAX experience because the whole thing enrages me. Let's just say things didn't go well, I missed a flight AND I fit the profile of a terrorist. Um...no.

But my doggie was happy to see me, and I was happy to see him. :) He is still the cutest dog ever.

So... let's see. Graduation. Lemme throw in some pics of my kids because I don't have any new ones to post. This is me and my class in their caps and gowns.

It's Jenny in a box!

And a final random one I snapped because I liked the banner. They're singing "Come Sail Away" for the parents.

Saying goodbye to my babies was sad, yes, but they are all amazing people and we both just felt like it was time. I'm sure they're doing well andI'm so happy that I got to know those little people. :)

So now that I'm home I haven't really been up to much. Mostly helping to clean out my parents basement (25 years worth of stuff is a LOOOOOOT of stuff) and make a daily trip to Goodwill. They think we're moving. We are not, in fact, moving. Anyway, it's something useful to do while I sit at home all day.

I helped Leah out wiith her class yesterday, which was super fun, and I have a job interview tomorrow. I'm not even sure what the job is at this point, but, if nothing else, the interview will be good practice. Unfortunately the thing that's plagued me since I got home remains a concern: what to wear. I have a plethora of spring/summer clothes (and shoes) but not many winter things. So coming up with something to wear for an interview is going to be a challenge. Balls.

Went out to lunch with a man from church today, the guy who sort of encouraged me to actually go to Korea when everyone else was really skeptical. We went to a sushi place and it was good, but a LOT of sushi. lol. Anyway, George is a super nice man and he always asked my mom about me when I was gone. And when I was scared about going, he was the one who really encouraged me and told me I'd have a great time, instead of being scared for me or whatever. So that was nice. Plus, getting out of the house is key right now because not having a car kind of sucks.

Anyway... I'm still going to Australia and New Zealand, and I'm looking for jobs and things are going okay. The nightmare of Thailand is behind me, and in front of me lies only possibility.

Much love.

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