A real Thanksgiving and other stuff too!
Yes, I did manage to have more of a "real" Thanksgiving than the meal at church. On Thursday, Miriam and Ben (both Americans, yay!) and some people from school went out to Bennigans and then to nori bong (Korean kareoke). It was a good meal and good company, and much better thatn whatever I did last year, which was so lame I can't even remember it. It was seriously what I needed 'cause I've kinda been in a funk of missing everyone lately. One set of holidays away was enough, another set's going a little rougher. But I'll be home soon (!!!) so that's awesome.
Anyway, here are some nori bong pics. This one is me singing "Please Don't Go Girl" by New Kids on the Block. That's how I roll.

Heck. Yeah. And here's another of Ben, me and Miriam doing... well, you guess what song we're doing...

If you guessed "YMCA" then you win a prize. I'm not sure what that prize is, but you win it. Feel special, kids. Feel very special.
Friday morning I called the fam who was still celebrating and I cried when I talked to Grumpa. It's fine, whatever.
The weekend was pretty much me spending a disgusting amount of money. But, I bought a plane ticket and nearly all my Christmas presents (and a new 80 gig iPod because I wanted it and I deserve it because I am awesome) so that's awesome. I spent SO MUCH money... It's kinda gross to think about. But I don't care, I feel good about it. :)
I also got to eat Cold Stone on Saturday (OMGTHEYHAVEACOLDSTONEINKOREAISTILLCAN'TGETOVERIT!!) and it was KEY to my LIFE. Let's be honest, I wanted to go shopping in Insadong JUST to stop buy the Cold Stone on the way home...even though it's kinda NOT on the way home. Plus, Seeta snapped this fun picture of me outside the place.

Sunday I went to church, then met SeetaandJames and Rodney and Deborah for brunch (KEY!) then went on to Youngsan where I bought too many bootleg DVDs and a new iPod. It's fine. Whatever. I sold my old one so I can buy a new one right? And I got a better deal than even Rodney (360,000 won plus a free case) and he hates me for it. It's awesome.
In completely unrealated news, there are these trees outside my apartment building that were so pretty, I had to take a picture of them. And now I'll share it with you.

Anyway, Karen's replacement showed up today and I already don't like her. It's my resolution to be mean to her until she stays the heck away from me and leaves me alone. Plus, she's got a b!^y looking face. CLEARLY, she will not be better than Karen, therefore she sucks, therefore I don't need to be nice to her. And, oh yeah, I have two months left. She better TRY to say something to me 'cause I'll tell her how it's gonna be. We also got a new guy (okay, middle aged man) who's so California it's painful. I can already see CIS NOT being the place he envisioned. lol
I love not caring about work anymore.
Much love.
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