The Halloween Post
So... Halloween was on Tuesday. As can be expected it was a whirlwind of costumes, kids, and enough candy to send anyone into a diabetic coma. It was actally pretty fun. The kids were all excited, of course, so that kind of made it cool. You forget what Halloween was like once you get old like me, but they still feel it. They still get that it's about fun and free candy, and don't we all need a little more of that in our lives?
The way it worked was each class rotated to each classroom, where the teacher had some sort of activity. In my class they were supposed to Trick or Treat... for 10 minutes. So I hid the candy and made them find it. Exciting, I know. Anyway, without further ado, here's Halloween 2K6 at C.I.S. This first one is me in my costume.

I was a penguin, which was super cute because all the kids knew what I was, and it's a lot more fun than what I was going to be, which was a cow girl. And it cost me about $8 to do it. That RULES.
Next we have the obligatory class picture.

From the back left we have Grace the witch, Julie the princess, Jenny the wizard, Jennifer the witch, Caroline the angel, Jinni the princess, Lucy as Snow White, Alicia Teacher the penguin, (and down to the front row left) Willy the gay pirate (really he was Captain Hook sans the hook but COME ON... the costume's so gay!), Pitt the reaper, Eric the dinosaur, James as Spiderman, and Christina the unicorn. They are cute, I know.
Next we have my favorite costume of the day. Now, this is the tiniest kid in the school (he comes up to a little above my knee... SO TINY) and he's friggin' CUTE as heck. And here he is on Halloween:

Louie as Harry Potter. I know, I died too.
The Korean staff didn't dress up (party poopin' lame @$$es) so the foreign staff monkies had to pose for the camera and make nice like we love Halloween more than life itself. Here's the result.

As you can see, I'm CLEARLY thrilled about Rodney wearing that damn mask. Which he wore for two days before hand, and continues to wear at random times to terrify me. It's awesome. Or not really. Anyway, there's Rodney as a scary monster, me, Miriam as Kart Rider (a video game character here), Nate as Space Ghost, James as Marc Antony, Seeta as Cleopatra, Phil as Woody from Toy Story, Gareth as himself (okay, he was really a pirate but that's pretty much what he looks like every day, lol), Ben as Mr. Tumuns from Narnia, and Adam as...something we have yet to figure out. The missing member of Kiss? I don't know.
Now I've saved this last one because it's so special. This is a picture of the pumpkin my class carved (read: I carved while my class played with the gook inside and got it all over the room).

Now, the special part is not that I managed to carve a bat in a pumpkin without a serrated knife, but that the idiots we work with can't even figure out that the candle is supposed to go INSIDE the pumpkin, not tower above it like a freakin' beacon in the night. CLEARLY I work with geniuses.
So that was my Tuesday. Not much else to report about my week except that I saw The Prestige on Thursday night. A)Christian Bale. 2)Hugh Jackman. D) DAVID BOWIE! CLEARLY this movie was awesome and I recommend you go see it if you haven't. There is a secret Christian Bale treasure at the end of the movie that is JOYOUS. I can't say what it is without spoiling the whole thing, but it's key. This was the best movie I've seen in a long time. Go see it.
Much love.
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