"Can you see why I like it here?"--The J
So... China. We spent the whole day in the airport on Thursday, almost literally. We got on an early bus because we thought there'd be tons of Chuseok traffic (it's a big travel holiday because everyone goes to see family and stuff) but there wasn't any traffic at all. Awesome. So we get there super early and then our flight gets delayed, so we basically bummed around the airport for five hours. Good times. Anyway, after we finally checked in, Seeta and I wandered by this free paint a fan thing, and so everyone painted one: me, Seeta, James, Momma M and Daddy M too. Seeta was jealous 'cause she said mine was the best, but I'm not so sure. Here's a pic, you be the judge.

Our lovely painting extravaganza was all fine and good, but we nearly missed our plane! As we rushed the few hundred meters to our gate, they were calling our names on the loud speaker. Too bad we never heard the boarding call!! Oops! But, we made it and got on the plane.
Which, by the way, let me just say that Asian air lines are KEY. Our flight was only an hour but we got a meal. AWEsome. Fly Asian, kids. I'm telling you. :)
We got there and got to the hotel and I called The J. We ended up meeting up around 9:30, after a bit of exploring with the fam and some dinner. It was so great to see her and have someone to chat with that I really feel kinda gets me. Anyway, yeah. Her place is really, really beautiful, as is the city of Qingdao itself. It's super clean and well kept, and Joanna's place is huge and perfect and makes my place, which I thought was pretty decent, look like a crap box. Neat. Granted, her school situation is a little bit difficult (she's living in two places because stuff didn't quite work out properly but the future is looking up) but still. I can totally see what she sees in the city.
So Day 1 was pretty much a bust as far as sight seeing, but The J and I stayed up til 1-ish talking. Key. Day 2 was pretty unlucky, but still fun. We met at Starbucks around noon and headed off to a temple in the mountains near where The J lives. It was a nice place to walk around, very quiet and peaceful. Beautiful too. Check this out...

Here's the whole crew in one of the temple buildings. I figured out how to use my timer because I am awesome. :)
The J and I are in front (duh) and behind are Seeta, James, Daddy M and Momma M (Seeta's parents). I was having a good hair day. That's awesome. Here's another treasure from the park... a chimunk with GIANT BALLS. I'm not lying. They're GIANT. Te he he. Awesome.
After that we got lunch and tried to go to the museum but it closed at 5 (it was 4:30 at the time). Then we tried to go to a market, but it too was closed. Finally, we decided to eat again, and the restaurant was closed too. Turns out, everything was closing early because of a holiday. We did manage to procure some food, and then headed back to the hotel to walk along the pier and see the city all lit up. For example, here's the hotel everyone stayed in.
And here's some more skyline.

Yeah, it's pretty. I told you! And I totally look like a stellar photographer, too. BONUS! Anyway, after some picture taking and strolling, we headed home again.
Day 3 was a little more successful. We met early at the museum and walked around there for a while. Then we headed to Starbucks and Joanna's secret DVD shop treasure. Um... it was awesome. I thought it was cheap to buy bootlegs for five bucks here, but in China they're a dollar. A. Dollar. Um, that's the coolest thing ever. After that, my shopping adrenaline was flowing and we headed to the market from the day before where I found some treasures. And let me tell YOU, there's no cheap like China Cheap. Soooo key. I went with the intention of buying Christmas gifts, but mostly ended up buying stuff for myself. Whatever. I'm over it.
After that we ate and went for massages. Seeta, James and I all got foot massages and it felt good but my lady was BRUTAL. She gave me the BUSINESS. She was totally hardcore, but my feet felt really good afterwards.
Finally, we headed to dinner at a nice hotel with an Asian fusion buffet and a chocolate fountain. Wait, TWO chocolate fountains. One dark, one white. It was the best thing in my life ever. The food was really good, too. Ma. Gi. Cal.
Seeta was kinda feeling sick after dinner, so the hotel crew went back to thier place but I wanted to see one of the Olympic countdown signs so The J and I took a loooong walk to find one. We did. Of course, I took about a million pictures. Hi, have you met me? I love the Olympics.

Day 4 was another airport trip and a trip home. All went smoothly and I managed to make it to the vet to pick up doggie before 8. Awesome.
I'll leave you with one final pic of The J and I outside the Crowne Suite Hotel where we ate the amazing buffet. Thanks again, friend, for letting me stay. I wanna come back soon!!
Much love.
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