Thursday, September 21, 2006

"See you later... crocodile!"--Benjamin

Only Thursday and I'm posting. Must have been an interesting week already, huh? Well, never fear faithful friends, indeed so far it has been.

It all happened on Tuesday. First we had a birthday party. Now, usually there's, like, one or two kids in the same class with a birthday in the same month. Oh, not in my class. I had four September birthdays. FOUR. Balls. Anyway, yeah, we got through it and of course I have pictures. The first is a class pic, the first since Joon left and Christina joined. So here we all are. I kinda forgot about the birthdays that day and dressed kind of slobby and wore my Lisa Loeb glasses. Whatever.

This picture is of Willy in this totally Korean shirt he wears. It's pretty much my favorite shirt ever. You can see why...

Um... right. WHAT does that even mean? Who knows. Okay, this final one is awesome. My kids discovered the magic color-changing properties of Now & Laters.

Kinda the cutest thing ever, right?

Birthday fun was not the only thing on the docket on Tuesday, however. Let's just say that CIS is down another teacher.

I don't know what happened, and of course there's the version of the story that Paul tells and the version that CIS tells, but the actual truth is probably somewhere closer to Paul's version of events. He says he was fired, the school says he resigned, which he technically did over two months ago but the school did not accept. Funny how, when it was convenient to them and served thier purposes, they decided to accept it. Anyway... yeah. So Paul's gone and the principal has a meeting about it (Which I find interesting. I asked for one concerning the Christmas performance, which everyone was confused about and our supervisors also were unsure about, and she didn't bother to show. Yet when she looks like the bad guy, she has a meeting as fast as possible. Hmm... Can anyone say evil b!%@# from hell?). Anyway... CIS drama that I'm not involved in is FINE by me. I feel bad for Paul and all, but let's be honest, that $#!t hole is no place for a seasoned teacher. Heck, it's no place for a just-out-of-school-and-trying-to-pay-off-loans teacher. It gets more aweful and ridiculous by the day.

When am I done?

So yeah... oh! This brings me to the quote that is my title for the entry. Paul teaches one class on T/Th. afternoons, which I agreed to take over until someone new shows up. The class is three kids, one of whom I've taught before, Benjamin. He totally has a cruch on me, which is so cute, and today at the end of class I'm telling them goodbye and he busts out with, "See you later, crocodile!" It was SO CUTE. I even watched him process the thought and I could tell he kinda knew what to say but not really. SO CUTE! Anyway... it made my day.

It really doesn't take much.

I finished a book this week too, The Rule of Four. I don't recommend it, but props to two best friends from Princeton attempting to write a book. Cute.

80's prom is Saturday so you can bet I'll be posting pics and stories as soon as I can! I can't wait!!


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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't even begin to... that shirt... Wow. What the hell?


9:46 AM  

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