Saturday, August 05, 2006

"I'm not a superhero... I can't fight pure evil."

I have just had the worst week of my life. Literally.

It was one of those weeks when everything converges and anything that could go wrong does. And I can normally handle it, but let's remember I had a perfect vacation last week (update is coming!!) and I started the week having to work on a day we should have had off. I don't wanna rehash the entire thing, because I'm still recovering, but suffice it to say it was BAD. Every single day of it something went wrong.

It started to look up last night when I went out with Seeta and Christa for a girls night. We wanted to get massages and hair cuts, but of course, these did not occur. Instead we had dinner and drinks, and then sat and drank wine with our feet in a pool (at the best bar EVER). We just talked and chilled all night and it was SUPER awesome, and so necessary. Those two are much more calm than I am in that they don't hold things (like grudges) like I do, so they kind of inspired me to just let all the work bull$#!t go and not let Satan affect my life because he's not worth my time. He will die alone and rot in hell regardless of wether or not I make it clear how much I hate him. So I shouldn't waste my time on him because I can't fight pure evil. He's the one who has to live a life devoid of joy and happiness, not me. So he can suck it and I'll try to let it go.

'Course... saying and doing are QUITE different. But I'm trying. I turned a new leaf somewhere between drinks 5 and 6. lol.

And today was good too. Class in the morning (turns out I bumped up a level 'cause I'm a genius... Duh.) and then cheap Mexican food with my new friends from class and our new pal Wayne, who owned the restaurant. Then I hit up What The Book? and speant nearly $50 on books. In my defense, they were kids' books and I'll try to make the school pay for them. I'm awesome. :)

I don't konw what tonight will hold, but if it's just chillin' out that'd be FINE with me. I'd LIKE to find a sauna and take a hot shower (not hot water until August 12th...) but LAST time I tried to go on Thursday the place was friggin' closed.

I TOLD you it was a crap week.

Much love.



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