"I've had a very good food week."
Indeed I have.
It started on Tuesday with a handful of cherries (let's just say we split the cost of a carton amongst three people to justify buying them--SUPER expensive!!) that were MAGICAL. I believe in my heart they were Michigan cherries, but I really have no idea. Anyway, Corrine, 인석 (Insok), and I went to the aquarium at the 63 Building, which is the tallest building in Korea. We ate the cherries on the way there. :)
I took some pics, of course. First up is a MEAN lookin' Japanese Spotted Crab. I'm tellin' you, dude was WICKED!

And here are some cute orange fish with big eyes. This picture actually came out pretty nice.

And here's one of me with some weird wooden ball statues.

And outside the building, I discovered the best thing ever: the remnants of the Olympic torch, which had been moved from the top of the bulding to the bottom. It was a little bit awesome. OMG... I love the Olympics.

So... super awesome day on Wednesday.
Then let's see, Thursday was uneventful. Friday night, Mark, 인석, and this girl Mark knows, Alana. We went out to Hyewha and chilled at a bar for a bit, then hit up the 노래방. Nori bong is Korean kareoke, but instead of a dive bar and skeezy white trash, you and your friends rent a private room for an hour, and get to sing in there. It was a little bit awesome; I hadn't done it since my birthday. I sang a ton too: "Don't Speak," "Sweet Caroline," "Hotel California," "Smells Like Teen Spirit," and some other stuff too. I pretty much rocked the hiz-ouse, and got a perfect score on my first two songs. Clearly, I am a rockstar.
Saturday it rained ALL day, but I did get a haircut for Lancelot. I alsto tried to make the most of the rest of the day and went out to explore a new area near Ewha Women's University. It was an interesting area, and I would definitely like to enjoy it again on a sunny day. I also got to eat a soft pretzel, and it gave me GREAT joy. Soft pretzles and cheese are KEY to life. Saturday night I watched a movie called Green Street Hooligans, which was about a bunch of soccer thugs and had Elijah Wood in it. Some interesting camera work, but not an amazing movie. Still, soccer thugs=hot.
Sunday I skipped out on church and went to 압구정 (Apgujeong) and got my hoop put in my piercings (yay!) and then we went to 인사동 (Insadong) to find some stuff for the new couple at school's apartment. Finally, we ended the day with an AMAZING Italian meal. Unfortunatly, the cream sauce made a little sick, but it was still REALLY good. Mmmm.
To recap: cherries, soft pretzel, Italian food. PLUS my favorite Korean meal (들섵 비빔밥)twice and strawberry short cake (with Redi Whip!!). I ate goooooood. :)
Unfortunately, I've got a cough of death that is preventing me from sleeping well, and I pretty much just want to lay down at all times. I went to the doctor today, and he gave me TONS of drugs to take so we'll see. I'm hoping the humidifier will also help. I just need it to go away.
I am sick and tired of being sick and tired. :(
Much love.
That last photo is amazing chick! Good eye!!!
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