"Those Buddhists sure know how to party!"
Let me start with Buddah's birthday stuff. JohnandLindsay and I headed out about 2:30, and just started walking around. The festival took place in Insadong, a part of town where many of the more traditional crafts are sold. So we walked around, and we came across a traditional band playing, or rather, not playing. So I asked Linds to snap a pic and here we are:

Then we made a lotus lantern outside the park gates (mine turned out... decently) and ventured in, and it was amazing. Lanterns EVERYWHERE! And flowers all over! It was sooooo pretty, I could barely stand it. Here, see for yourself. Me and Linds in the park.
The lanterns, all hung together.
Now let me explain what the deal is with the lanterns. I'm not actually sure why it's lanterns, but if you'll notice, they have little tags hanging from them. Those tags have a person's name or a prayer on them, and these are attached to the lanterns, and they are sort of prayers for that person to move higher on the chain of life (rather than lower, to like, an animal or something) and get closer to nirvana.
I think.
Anyway, AdamandChrista met up with us in the park, and we continued to wander about. We wandered toward more festivities, including a bunch of stages and tents. The stage had a drum band playing music, then this guy came out and flipped about a million times and then twirled plates. Kinda cool. When we investigated the tents, we discovered all kinds of stuff, from jewelry for sale to accupuncture. And most of it was free! I painted a slice of tree with a lotus on it (the lotus flower is one of the symbols of Buddah).
As dusk settled, we decided it was finally time to eat, so we found this magical place and got to eat outside (yay!!) and we stayed there until the parade came our way. We missed a lot of it (it's like, two hours long) but the stuff we saw was cool. It was basically lanters and a few floats. Anyway, here are two pictures. The first is a bunch of lanters, all lit up.
And here's a dragon!
All and all, the whole deal was pretty cool and I'm really glad I went.
Then we come to today... my "sick" day. I started off excited by life, enjoying a delicious breakfast, talking to Mom and Dad, joy everywhere. Then... I went to the doctor. I actually went to two places, and it's pretty much been decided that I can't get my supplies in Korea because they have a different pump here, only one kind and... yeah, I got lost in the hospital in Hyehwa and ended up crying in the bathroom because I was so emotionall distraught by the whole experience. And on top of it all, I forgot to get a note from the doctor to take to work tomorrow. Hopefully, they believe me.
I did manage to salvage a little bit of my day by going out to Korea University with Lancelot and taking a walk. It's super pretty; the campus looks like a bunch of castles with greenery and flowers everywhere. I WOULD share some of the pics I took but again, Blogger HATES me and won't let me add more than five pictures. Nice. I'll upload some tomorrow.
So... I'm left wondering if I can stay here or if I'll have to resign. And that would break my heart.
So... think about me. Please.
Much love.
I hope that all goes well! Is it possible to get the Korean version of the pump? I will be praying for you.
Loved the pictures.
Sorry things weren't more positive at the doctor's but I, whom loves you (and wishes you would come home but knows you want to stay) am checking with the supply place and the pharmacy to see what it will cost you per month for your stuff. The extra $ you negoiated for could help pay for these. I will get the best deal I can.
Will let you know as soon as I can.
You know you wanted to steal that little old man's hat. Just be honest.
Resign from where hun? So sorry the the day turned out so horribly. Would it be possible to switch to the korean version just for the remainder of your stay? Anyways, let me know how thingsa re at school and with you. I miss you tons
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