"Bacon? Where?!"
Here's a summary of my past few days, complete with pictures.
On Wednesday, we made "glasses" in art class, and they turned out so cute that I made them all put the glasses on and take a picture. My class, in case you don't know, is as follows: (back row) Julie, Grace, Lucy, Willy, Eric, Joon (front row) Jinni, Jennifer, Caroline, Jenny, Pitt, James and me.
Then Friday night we had staff dinner at Hooters (NOT a real Hooters, just a rip off of the name. Let's be honest we're in Asia, the hooters here are few and far between.). I ate snails, and discovered that they were in fact delicious. Exciting. And the only fooseball table in probably 50 km was put into full use. It was a good time, and I totally bonded with the Brit on staff about Eddie Izzard. Magical. Anyway, here's me and Rach and our "hooters."
And Adam, Christa, Sophie (that's her green coat), and Rach playing some foose. Good times had by all.
Then came Saturday. Class in the morning followed by one of the most GLORIOUS experiences I've had here. Breakfast. A real, actual, resturant breakfast with bacon, and sausage, and omlettes and everything!! It was amazing. In true Korean style, we ordered one of everything and shared it. Pancakes, French toast with strawberry cream cheese inside it, an omlette, scrambled eggs, whole wheat toast and bacon, glorioius, glorious bacon. It was amazing. In fact, here's the crew and our spread:
I really wanted the waiter to get more of the food in the picture but, well, can you blame him for taking one of the people? Not really. Anyway my friends Mark (head of the table, glasses) and Corinne (brown shirt, glasses) are true pals for letting me be a refugee to thier class. My class is small and practically spiritless. And because of thier class, I met two other Dane Cook enthusiasts. You gotta love that.
"Have you seen my shoes? I kicked them off in a fit of joy." Ha ha, I <3 Dane.
And after breakfast, I mosied to my new favorite place, a used/new book store called What The Book? It made my life even more because the guy who owns it (or at least he works there) is a Greek, and we totally bonded. You don't meet many Greeks here, and we were both wearing our coats and even though he was a Sigma Cheese, it was nice to meet him. Three books later, I left and came home to my dog and my cleaning.
Cleaning was so key... Anyway. That night, I went out to Dongdaemun with Linds to see what we could see. And THIS is what we saw:
Um... too funny. And I also found myself some treasures, like THE most comfortable pants in the world, and some cool shirts. Yay. It was a little sad because none of the fabulous shoes fit me, but alas, sometimes being gargantuan isn't an advantage. Whatever. Anyway, it was fun and I'm glad I went. Lancelot even got a new outfit. Faux Ralph Loren. lol.And now we're up to today. This morning, I got up early and went to church at a new place with Sophie from work. It was nice, tiny, but nice. I liked everything except the moment at the end where we stood in a circle and held hands and sang some song. It was pretty Kum-buy-ah, let's be honest. Anyway... then I came home and tried to nap and relax, until Lindsay and I went to see this play about a mole and a poo.
Basic story line: This mole sticks it's head out of its hole, and an animal poos on his head. Then the mole leaves the hole to investigate who did it, and comes across a host of animals. Each animal poos, and the mole compares the poos and realizes that they are not the same. Long story short, it was a dog. Anyway, it was HORRIBLY disgusting and incredibly foul, I'm talking giant animal poos flying across the stage, but completely hilarious. Can't wait til Linds sends me the videos she took.
And now it's Sunday night, and I'm looking forward to an easy week. No 5th graders this week, a fieldtrip (in theory), Performance Theater, and Big Test on Friday. That RULES.
Have a great week, y'all.
Much love.
I just put the picture of you and Lancelot (from your last entry)on my computer and noticed you have the pink shoes on. Tell me those aren't THE pink shoes!!!
Yes, Lancelot must have as many clothes as you.
Mother, IF you recall, the stipulation of buying the NEW pink ones was that I threw the OLD pink ones out. You witnessed this.
My heart still hurts from the trauma. I can't talk about it any more...
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