Wednesday, April 05, 2006

"Is this a fatty store, Bubba?"

So I just got back from a long walk with the dog, the goal of which was to peruse the selection of $10 shoes at the local Converse store and perhaps buy a pair, but I'm pretty sure the place is an illusion. I tried to find it once by myself before, and I was unsuccessful. But then, one magical day, I went with Lindsay after work and we found it and awesome shoes were purchased. Today, I went on a quest alone, and the place was gone, a mirage.

Perhaps it's like Terebethia: I need someone else to make the magic work. I dunno. But, the trip was not entirely unsuccessful as I discovered, miracle of miracles, a fatty store. Now granted, a fatty store in Korea is like any normal store back home, but still... I felt joy. I didn't find anything I loved, and it was a little pricey considering I can buy stuff on the street for, like, $10, but still. They had pretty stuff, and it was reasonably priced, so I'm SUPER excited to keep checking the place out. :)

Also bought two more pairs of glasses for a record shattering $90. I RULE at life! Glasses are THE accessory of the new millennium, according to me.

I might be going to an island this weekend, if the plans work out. That'd be SUPER cool! Plus, I'm having grown up fun on a weeknight for the first time in AGES tomorrow night. Yay me. This week=joy.

Much love.


Anonymous Anonymous said...


Congrats! =)

9:42 PM  

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