"God is in the rain."--from V for Vendetta
So I WANT to update about the wedding but blogger HATES me and won't let me upload any pics. So I'll update about that tomorrow, or as soon as the pictures decide to stop hating me. Nice. Anyway, the wedding was cool. More on that later.
Last night I went to the movies with Mark and we saw V for Vendetta. It was completely terrifying because frigin' Hugo Weaving wears that freaky mask thing the WHOLE movie. BALLS. I was NOT appreciative of that. The only thing that made it tolerable was Natalie Portman. And let's just say my girl crush was totally confirmed because she still looks amazing with a shaved head. Whatever.
The effects in the movie were sweet, prime example being during the last knife fight scene and there's this like of smoke coming off the knife. HOT.
The movie was pretty good too, kind of a 1984 meets The Phantom of the Opera-type story. A crazy evil government (headed up by The Storyteller/Mr. Olivander himself, John Hurt!) and a dude in a mask who falls in love with a pretty girl. It's fine.
But I'm a fan of comic book movies so I was feelin' it.
After the movie I came home and stayed up til 3 am talking to my parents. Um... neat. So today I was pretty tired all day but I managed to walk Lancelot, grade papers AND go to Starbucks/church with a splitting headache. :) After church I hung out with some Michigan kids and it was AWESOME. We ate dinner at Subway and life was glorious.
Today was a good day, despite the headache. Maybe because two of my favorite people bought tickets to Hawaii today.
Maybe because talking about Michigan and thinking about the people who love me there makes everything better.
Much love.
Labels: movie
I wish I could go to Hawai'i. :o(
Girl-- am seriously considering Hawaii-- what's the hotel sitch?... oh wait, I think I am supposed to talk to Jody...
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