"Let me just take a poll: Who here can tie their own shoes?"
What is wrong with this country? Only three of the TWELVE kids in my B.C. class can tie their own shoes.
These kids are TEN!!! TEN! And they can't tie their shoes? What is WRONG with these people? Granted, I had some issues, but I could DEFINITELY tie my shoes by the time I was 7. Max.
That's just not RIGHT. It's not.
People here are strange...
That's all. Depressed about the lack of Olympics here.
Much love.
Hahaha...your blogs make me laugh. I didn't know they couldn't tie their shoes cause I never had to get their shoes on..lol. How are the boys treating you? I hope you guys are having fun together. Miss the little buggers :P. Anyways, I will catch you soon :) TTFN
Girl. I learned in my multicultural counseling class that asian people considering touching a child on the head to be very rude. Did you know that?
I also learned that white people get freaked out when people are loud and animated (like a lot of black people are). I asked my prof. if that was why people tell me to chil out sometimes when I don't even realize it and she said yes. I thought you would appreciate that,
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