Saturday, February 18, 2006

"What IS an Olympian?"--Bob Costas

First of all, speed-skater Joey Cheek is using the money he gets with his medals to help kids in Sudan. If THAT's not Olympic spirit, I don't know what is.

THAT is why this whole Olympic thing is magical. People from all over the world come together, and show us what strength of will, perseverance, practice, talent, and heart can do. I was watching a men's cross country event yesterday, and this guy from Kenya was skiing. A man from a country where snow has probably NEVER fallen, is an Olympic caliber cross-country skiier. Sure, he didn't medal, but he finished the race. THAT's the stuff I love. The triumph of human spirit, the super-human strenght it takes to even GET there, let alone medal. And when I think about what it must feel like to stand up there, and get a gold medal around your neck, and your flag raises in the air to your national anthem... I just get chills and I tear up.

Anyway, I've gotten to watch some Olympics, clearly. JOY JOY JOY JOY down in my heart. Saw my new favorite Olympian, Shani Davis, make history. The boy from Illinois did it! Yay! And people need to shut up about "you look mad." The kid just accomplished is LIFE'S GOAL. Let him compose himself, or say nothing if he needs to. I know I'd probably be a bit speechless for a while...

And my little Apollo (whose teeth, by the way, are AMAZING) got a bronze. Damn Koreans...

Anywho, I've gotta get off to church, but I just needed to post that


Much love.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I do not like Shanni Davis, he is a selfish Ghetto thug, who cost the USA a gold medal in the relay. He shouldn't be on the same stage as those hotties Joey Cheek and Chad Hedrick.



12:37 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Girl. London 2012 here we come!!!!!

8:03 AM  

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