"We should take a picture of this."--John
Monday was Teacher's Day and my kindys sucked at presents but my BC class was a little bit awesome. I got a $100 gift certificate to an expensive department store (SCORE!) and some other, like, bath stuff. Which is cool and I'll use it for sure. And it's awesome because I kind of hate that class and I deserve presents from them.
Tuesday... I dunno. Nothing exciting. But Wednesday, JohnandLindsay and I went out for shaboo shaboo (it's Japanese food) and it was SUPER good. It's basically this pot of oil and water, and you throw in all these veggies, and thinly sliced meat and eat it all up. Then at the end you cook noodles in what's left over and it's SUPER yummy. Plus, it looks really pretty on the table. So pretty, in fact, I snapped a picture.

I got bored sometime during the week and decided to end my boredom with some Scotch tape and a kid's face. So of course, they all wanted it. But at least I had the good sense to take a picture.

Friday I had Parent/Teacher Conferences for my B.C. class and despite HORRIBLY stupid planning on someone's part (NOT mine) it went okay. I met with 9 of the 12 kids' parents and it was weird. I hate that they all think this test the kids took is a big deal (it's not and it was a poorly written test) and that if their kid doesn't do well it's the end of the world. These kids are WAY stressed out and they're 10. Eight and nine actually if you calculate thier western age. Horrible. Get off your kids' backs! They're all smart, okay? Geez...
Monday is local election day, so all week candidates have been campaining pretty hard, with posters and signs and all kinds of stuff all over the dang place. I mean, check out this guy's method of advertising...

We should SO do this back home. I'm JUST sayin'...
Today I just went to class, and then after went with Mark and In Seok to In Seok's aunt's restaurant in Dongdaemun. Let's just say the eats were super good and SUPER free and it pretty much made my life. AWEsome. I love having Korean friends! Unfortunately, that was the end of my day out because I have to get up at 6:30 tomorrow and be at school by 7:30 for Gym Day. Um... Joy. But I'm sure I'll take lots of pics and update about it all. So you can share the fun.
Til then...
Much love.
Wait... what is the difference between Korean ages and "Western" ages? What gives?
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