"You've been dealing with a lot, hey?"--Rach
Boy, life has been eventful lately.
Monay, I lost it on Eunice, the pricipal, and yelled at her and pretty much flipped out because Satan wanted me to apologize to him. I refused to do so, because I have nothing to apologize for, and didn't understand what he wanted me to say. So I completely flip out at her and realize that my boss might actually be Satan and I should apologize to him for, it seems, hurting his feelings. Um... okay.
It gets stupider. I rethink my actions and tell Eunice on Tuesday that I don't want to quit and she says she'll write a letter and I agree to read it. So that happens, I read it, I change it brilliantly, and I have now officially written an apology letter to Satan without actually apologizing or regretting anything I did. My favorite line is, "Finally, I regret that you remain unchanged." Take THAT you piece of $#!t. So anyway, I found out on Friday that the sample letter Eunice was supposed to have written was passed off to Jade (a supervisor) who passed it off to Margaret, an older woman who quit the school pretty much the day she walked in the door. And of course, it was all a huge secret.
Are these people for real?
Anyway, apparently that situation is finally resolved, without any actual changes being made. I'm so glad I went through hell for absolutely nothing except my own sense of right and wrong. It was so worth it.
Someone else quit on Friday. So that'll be interesting too. Especially since the kindergarden class is already on teacher number 2. There's gonna be a revolt, and it's gonna be so fun to watch. If it weren't what's best for my kids, I'd tell CIS to kiss my @$$. I'm secretly hoping they fire me or that the school goes under but... I'm not that lucky. But I DID manage to have a decent day with my B.C. class, where I actually liked them as people. It was strange but nice.
Wenesday I went to Costco and experienced joy in my soul at buying large quantities of cheese. My stomach really can't handle it, but she'll get used it it again eventually. :)
Thursday, I went and saw Pirates 2. It was a little bit awesome, and I'm sure I would have been much more enthused about the entire situation had the movie not begun at 11 pm. But still, I enjoyed it (three words: paddle wheel swordfight). I think the first one is better, but this one was worth watching. Oh, and just an FYI--people with barnacles and other various sea-creatures growing from thier faces are GROTESQUE. Seriously... I wanted to puke a couple times. Good effects, though.
Yesterday I headed to Everland, which is an amusement park here. I was supposed to go with Karen (my supervisor) and Eric and his mom (one of my kindies), but they ended up not meeting us there, so it was just Karen and I. It was pretty fun, rides, animals, etc. I went on a rollercoaster for the first time in like, 10 years, and it even went upside down. I rule. And another dream of mine came true... check out the pics.

This is the view from the front entrance. It's so... Korean amusement park-y.

Apparently the park's 30 years old, as the flowers say.

Me, driving a giant dog. It kinda looked like Lancelot. SUPER nerdy fun.

A view of the park from the Ferris wheel.
And finally I present the greatest discovery known to man. Ladies and gentleman...

A liger. Of course, it might have been a tigon, but it didn't reek like poo so I'm gonna assume it's a liger, bread for its skills in magic. It's awesome, I know.
Today cleaning and church. I'll be gone for the next three weekends (mud festival next weekend and then Hawaii for the following two) so I'm trying to get ready for going away, plus spend lots of time with Lancelot so he'll still love me when I get home from Hawaii. I can't even think about leaving him next weekend, let alone a whole week. I want to cry just typing this. Even though I know I'll have fun, I will miss him like CRAZY. We haven't been apart since I got him.
Much love.
EDIT: I just got home from church where I apparently took a picture with a K-pop rockstar. When Yunjin sends me the pic, I'll post it here. It was so cute, she's all star-struck and flippin' out and I'm like, "Hey, Brian, can we take a picture with you?" It was awesome. :)
Girl-- seeing a Liger was probably the best thing that has ever happened to you.
Who is taking care of Lancelot?
A Liger! Hot!
Did you say you were an English teacher! Check your spelling! I know you are excited when you write.
Sounds like a great weekend.
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