NOT how we roll
What little security I have in life was interrupted on Tuesday. Usually we have our fieldtrips on
Thursdays but what with The B!^@# running things now, apparenlty we just do things all willy-nilly and shake up my tiny little routinely structured life. PLUS my class and I had to ride on a bus with a different class then we've ridden with SINCE THE FIRST FIELDTRIP WE EVER WENT ON. Um, hi, clearly heads have been inserted into @$$es. It's fine.
Anyway, we went to some robot museum that was full of, well, robots. And then we watched a 3D movie. And then we came back to school. It was SUPER lame, especially since NOTHING was in English so I couldn't even read about any of the displays. Whatever. Anyway, here are pics.
This is the kids playing with a remote control robot. It would have been cool, had there been another robot for it to fight with and we could have had real robot wars, but alas, there was only one. So it spun around and went forward and backwards. Thrilling.

I'm not even sure who's controlling it at this point. Maybe Caroline.
The movie was in Korean so I missed pretty much all of it, but the kids looked super cute in 3D glasses, and watching them watch the movie was funny. They kept reaching for stuff and trying to dodge the stuff coming at them. Kinda the cutest thing ever. Check out Jenny in the shades...

She kinda looks like she might be on some illegal mind altering drugs, but still, super cute. And here's Karen with Jinni, Christina, and Julie. And the glasses, of course.

It's not gonna suck when I leave... I can't even wait!!
Weekend plans are underway, and I might be spending the most money I've ever spent in one weekend. Looking forward to it.
Much love.
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