My quest to see stuff continues
Here's the usual weekend update. I know you've all come to expect and love it as much as I love living it. :)
Friday night I went out for kalbi (Korean BBQ) with SeetaandJamie. It. Was. Good. Anyway, I LOVE me some kalbi so it was a joyful evening.
Saturday I accomplished an amazing feat. I finally coordinated with the dry cleaning guy and hopefully my clothes will be dry cleaned and delivered tomorrow morning. KEY! They LOVE to deliver stuff in this country. It's awesome. After I got ready I headed out to get my hair cut. My hair was turning into a mullett and I could almost put it into a ponytail. Um... clearly time for a trim. And I totally have a crush on the guy who cuts my hair, so it's key all around. After that I had to high-tail it to the USO office to pay for the DMZ tour me and a bunch of people from school are taking on Saturday. It's one of the biggest tourist things to do here, and I haven't managed to do it yet and neither have a bunch of people from school so we're going. Anyway, it should be interesting. But, on my rush to find the office and pay, I saw this:

A giant dragon sculpture in the median. Normally, I would think this was weird but this is a part of town called Youngsan, which means "Dragon Mountain." See? It's one thing in Korea that does make sense. It happens sometimes. Anyway, I thought this was SUPER cool, so I took another one, a close up this time.

I'm not really sure what it's made of, but it looks like either thin ropes or thin, plyable wood of some kind. It's all wrapped around a frame. Anyway, big dragon sculpture=cool.
After paying, I met up with my friend Corinne and some other people for lunch. Mark's going home for a couple weeks, so we had a little safe travel meal. He got off fine, and I got to spend some time with Corinne. Bonus!! So we didn't really do too much, shopped a bit and walked around, but we did manage to make it up to the mosque in Itaewon, which I'd heard was worth seeing. Of course, here's a pic.

It was pretty cool to see, although we couldn't go inside. Glad I took the time and the walk.
Saturday was also a special day for the little man in my life. It was Lancelot's birthday. I bought him a new shirt, and made him pose for pictures, because that's what it's all about. So here's his one year photo in his new shirt. I'm trying to turn him into a badass. Clearly.

And here's one more, with the ridiculous sunglasses I bought yesterday.

That might officially make me a bad person. lol. But it's effin' cute, let's be honest.
Today I got up and went to early church, hoping to have brunch afterwards. Brunch was a bust, but I had a pita instead, so life wasn't too bad. After church I came home, walked the dog, and settled in to watch this epic Indian movie that Seeta lent me. It's called Mohabbatein. I have NO idea what that means, but it was a total Bollywood musical love epic and I loved every dang second of it.
Which brings us up to now, when I'm updating. Clearly, a productive day. :)
Parent teacher for B.C. tomorrow. Gag me.
Much love.
Isn't the DMZ on the boarder of where the crazy guy is?
Loved the pictures of Lancelot.
people give me so much crap here for LOVING the shit out of Bride and Prejudice. I just tell them to shut up.
Hey....blogger is acting up here, wish I could see the pictures (but I can't due to censorship :P) Anyways....sounds like you are having a good time. I am almost finished watchin VM second season...sosososososo good. Just a question for you though, your fics on your other they happen in the show? Or are they made up? I'm not 100% sure on what fics are. Care to enlighten? They are good at any rate :)
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