Remember when I went to North Korea?
Yeah, it was yesterday. Seriously. I was in North Korea.
Okay, okay. I was in a building that was built half on S. Korea and half in N. Korea, but still. I crossed the line. I was there.
It was a completely unique experience. The tension was crazy... the RoK (Republic of Korea) soliders were standing in a "modified tae-kwon-doe" stance and looked friggin' HARD CORE. Like, these dude could screw you up BIG time. I was scared of them. And they just stand guard all day with their "enemy," like, 50 feet away. The guide said sometimes the N. Koreas will even come to this certain building and try to rile everyone up by making faces and stuff, and the dudes just have to stand there and be cool and totally still. It's crazy, man. Cra. Zy.
I think it would be best to relate my tale with pictures, so here we go. First we have me and a RoK solider in North Korea. Dude's seriously a bad @$$. He doesn't even have a weapon. That's how bad @$$ he is. He DOESN'T NEED A WEAPON.

This is a picture of the acutal line that separates the two sides. Where there are buildings and pavement, the boarder is marked by these concrete slabs. Where there is just land and trees or whatever, the boarder is marked by white poles.

On the other side of the line, about 200 feet back, is this. Yes, those are North Korean soliders just hangin' out, like ya do. I don't know what this building is for, but behind all the windows are people with cameras watching people like us. They're waiting for someone to slip up and point or wave, so they can use it as propaganda. Yowza!
This is a picture of a piece of art that stands in front the Peace House (We walked through the Peace House and behind it I took the pictures that you've seen already.) The Peace House was erected to reunite families that had been split up, but The Crazy won't let people defect, even to join family members, so the house never served it's purpose. The sculpture is supposed to be of two hands clasping. It's kinda hard to see here, but I like this picture because of the red tree.
This is a picture of the flag of North Korea. This flag pole is 160 m. tall, and holds one of the biggest flags in the world, weighing around 600 lbs. Yeah, it's BIG.
So because Blogger hates my guts (yet again), I'm gonna do this in two parts. So the rest of my weekend is to come soon.
Much love.
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