Tuesday, December 12, 2006

Low key weekend

I barely remember my weekend, let alone what happened during the week. All I remember is Friday was a bad day with some bad news from home on top of it being Karen's last day. My kids were all hanging on her, begging her not to go. It was heartbreaking. Plus, my heart was already broken so yeah... Friday sucked. Friday night I went out with some work people and drank a couple of beers. Didn't stay out too late, but it was nice to get my mind off things.

Saturday morning I got a hair cut. My salon boyfriend cut my hair and he said, "Your hair is really silky, I'm jealous." Clearly, he's in love with me. It's fine. And Lancelot got a hair cut too. We both had to get pretty to come home! ;) After that I bummed around Itaewon for a bit, shopping and trying to get stuff done at the travel agency. I've decided I'm going to China first and then Australia/New Zealand. That way I can see The J, AND celebrate Chinese New Year in China. That's. Awesome.

Saturday night I went to a dinner party at Phil's house, three floors up. It was SUPER fun and I met another guy that reminded me of Jody Gore. And the best part? His name is Lancelot. That is AWESOME! He is my new best friend and I'm sad that I didn't meet him a year ago. Also, we played Cranium which is a great game that I've been hankerin' to play for a while. And the party had brie and pineapple. Pretty much, it was the best thing ever. Plus, I came home and talked to my mommy. :)

Sunday I slept in (finally!!) and then met my friend Kelly for mani/pedis and lunch. I haven't seen Kelly since before I cut my hair for the first time. Plus, I never do nice things for myself, so now I have grey nails and green toe nails. Fun. And lunch was KEY because we went to the Smokey Saloon and I ate the best hamburger I've had in a looooong time. I've been wanting a good burger for a while now, and that one hit the spot. It was called "Kiss Me Later" because it had both onion rings and carmelized garlic on it. Um... yum.

After that, Mark and Melody came over and we watched The Squid and the Whale. It has Jeff Daniels and Laura Linney in it, plus Anna Pacquin so it is good by definition. It was kind of... rough to watch at times, but a good movie. I really liked it.

One final item to recount before I head off. Yesterday in my B.C. class, one of my kids decided it would be a sweet idea to kick the glass panel in my door. Um... long story short, his foot went through it and cut the crap out of his leg. He needed, I found out today, 100 stiches and he's still in the hospital. I was on break at the time, so I am in NO WAY responsible for his stupidity. The best part? Right before he kicked the door he said, "I am genius!"

Clearly not.

Much love.



Blogger omega7j said...

Oh goodness. Who was the genius who put their foot through the door? I would love names...lol. Anyways, hope everything is looking up now. I think we all just need a nice break from all of this. :) Talk to you soon.

10:00 AM  

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