"No other road, no other way. No day but today."--RENT
I finally succeded in buying RENT on bootleg and have susequently watched it twice. I'm seriously contemplating starting it again... I think I have a sickness. I need HELP! But it's all good. I'm a little bit in love with Rosario Dawson as Mimi, which I thought I would NEVER take to, but, well, here we are. Let's just say I'll probably be watching it every day from now until when the real DVD comes out. It's FINE.
Also visited a possible addition to my family yesterday, a little shish tzu puppy. I'm going to decide, probably by tomorrow, if I'm going to take him or not. I really just want to make sure that I have enough time to spend with a puppy and a life-style that's conducive to having a little guy around. I really want some companionship, but I want him to have a good life too. So... advice is appreciated. :)
Let's see... this weekend was good. Class Saturday, Youngsan for DVD's, then home to watch my new movies, then I went out with Joanna and Kelly, after visiting the puppy. Good times were had by all and free drinks are pretty much key to all of life. Just a tip.
Today was really nothing, bought Christmas presents for my class and went to church. Also ran out to get a "costume" for the teacher's performance on Friday. Joanna and I are dancing, using the moves we've picked up from dance class. It should be good, we'll see.
This week was pretty rough at school, but by the end of the week I was feeling pretty good. I think it was just a lot of factors combining and it made me snap. But a full recovery is expected, especially since I will be leaving for vacation in less than a week. YAY!!!!!
The best part of the week was the birthday part we had. It was for two kids, Jenny and Eric. Eric is my mullet kid, and I've taught him to say, "I have a wicked mullet." Awesome, I know. But the best thing was: HIS MOM CURLED THE MULLET. CURLED IT. WITH A CURLING IRON. Eric was crying about it in the morning because he KNEW it wasn't right, but there it was. A curled mullet on a 5 year old kid. And here it is for you to enjoy. Take a moment... I don't mind.

Oh man... It's awesome. And here are some other pics from the party, just so you can see how cute my little babies are.

And here's the whole class shot. We've got, from left to right, Willy, Jinni, Jennifer, Jenny, James, Joon, Caroline, Eric, Julie, Lucy, Grace, Pitt. This is actually a good pic of them, they're all kind of doing what they were asked to do.
Well, I guess that's about all I have to report. Another week begins tomorrow... then VACATION!!!!!
Much love.
You look so much like a teacher in that person it is SCARY.
NEVER be an adult!
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