"Long Duck Dong!!!"--me
Since I haven't updated in a few days, I thought it was time. I wanted to last night, but it started getting late and I just went to bed.
Nothing too exciting to report, but Joanna and I did go see this show called Jump!, which is a martial arts show. There was very little talking, so we understood it and it was awesome. Funny and amazing. And let me just say, boys flipping through the air and dancing are a little bit hot. After the show, we even got to meet the cast and get our posters signed. Oh and of course take pics.

Me with my head in the poster... nice.

This guy played the dad in the show... he could do some sweet jumps.

Is it just me or is this guy Long Duck Dong? Trust me... the Dong-er knows! Anyway, he was so dang cute I wanted to put him in my pocket.

These two guys played robbers who break into the house where the family lives, and get thier bums beat by the martial arts loving fam. Anyway, the Afro dude is TOTALLY HOT (and his 'fro was real... well, a real perm anyway) and the other guy, while quite tiny, did some flips in the air that I'm pretty sure weren't human.
It was awesome, and I'm so glad I went. I just love shows and stuff like that. One crazy thing though: we were sitting in the very last row, probably up 6 or so feet, and this guy tried to leave and fell hardcore off the back... I think he thought there were stairs there or something. Yikes!! I think he got hurt but I really don't know. It was kind of weird.
In other news, I'm pretty sure they took our staff room away from us and I am SO PISSED about it that someone's getting an ear full on Monday. I mean, I don't kid myself that I work for a real, legitimate school, but COME ON!!!
Well, gotta get ready for class and head off in a few.
My Lakers are in 'Bama this weekend so GO LAKERS!!
Much love.
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