"I just don't have time. And by that I mean, I sit in front of my computer for two hours and just don't do it."--me, on updating
So I'm finally doing it. I know, I know, you probably all think I'm dead, but I'm in fact very much alive. I just haven't managed to find a spare minute to update until now, down time between one activity and another. I'm cleary so popular and busy, I barely have time to eat. It's tough being fabulous.
Okay, enough about that. I woke up to this IM this morning: TATiefGVSU: I am IMing you to tell you this....Coot, I am pregnant with your baby, and you need to come home and take care of businesss! It's kinda nice to know you're loved. :)
Anywho, here's what's been up. We had a fieldtrip on Thursday to Seoul Grand Park, where we watched an elephant show (Sadly, Sharon, Lois and Brahm were absent...). It was pretty cool, except for the ladies with the scary fingernails of death. But the elephants were fun, and I think the kids got a kick out of it, except my Eric, who hates elephants or something. But still, I had a good time. Here's our class pic:And this is my little Jinni on the way home, bless her tiny heart:
James, who was "teacher's partner" for the trip, fell asleep in my lap on the bus ride home. They're so cute when they're sleeping... But then they're crabby for the rest of the afternoon. Blast!!
It's getting cold here, so the winter coats and hats and mittens are coming out. Funny thing is, though, that skirts seem to be getting shorter, rather than longer. But the boots are getting taller so... I guess that somehow makes sense. Cultural differences, cultural differences. Anyway, instead of taking 10 minutes to get ready to go home, it now takes my kids about 20 because none of them can put their own dang coat on, or button it or anything. Grrreat. But, on the upside, look how cute Willy looks in his coat:
If you just died of cuteness, I'll understand.
Hmm... Oh, talked to my mom and the BF this week, so it was a good week. Everything is good with everyone, and that makes me happy. :) I think this holiday season without everyone's gonna be rough, but I'll be cool to see Vietnam and see some more of the world. Yay! Joanna and I had dinner this week and talked about it, and I'm really getting geeked.
Today was our last Hanji class of the 5 we singned up for, so I've decided to post a pic of the ONE thing I made that I'm not giving to someone else.
This is the lamp I made, and I'm really proud of it. It's made of paper, a cardboard frame covered in colored paper. It's a light brown with little threads of different colors in it. It's really pretty and I might be a little bit obsessed with it. Who knows... YOU may be the next person to recieve some of my Hanji love. :) Joanna and I are taking a break for a bit, but I'll be back in January to make more stuff. Yay us.
Speaking of Joanna, the other day at school she's putting together this info on E.B. White's life to teach it to her class later that afternoon, and she's all, "Is this called a bibliography or a biography?" I was like... Are you kidding me?? It was too funny. I was like, "Um, a biography." She blamed in on a blonde moment, but I think she's just been in Korea too long...
My quest to learn Korean is going well, and school's okay. It's pretty much DramaFest 2K5 every week, but whatever. I just try to stay out of it and teach my kids and everything's fine. Oh! Also exciting news, bought a pair of jeans and felt JOY in my SOUL because they weren't hella expensive AND homegirl altered them for me, which is key because GAP failed me misterably. Score! Also bought myself a Tiffany necklace... whatever. It's fine. :D
I'll leave you all with this. It's a page from one of the beginning books we teach at my school. I'll just let you take a gander at it... and laugh. If you can't read it, it's a sheet called "Where are you from?"
I know I wear that ALL the time...
Much love.
I just now realized that there was a F*^$ing elephant in that pic. Holy $h!t that is scary. Did you pee?
Nah, elephants are cool. It was the crazy lookin' dancing ladies with the 9 inch fingernails that freaked me out...
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