"This is the best day in Korea...EVER!"--Me
Let's be honest... it's totally true. Not only did I fall in love this morning (his name is Daniel, he's British, that's all you need to know, it's fine...), although I'm not sure how it'll actually work out, but it's nice to have a new Korean class crush. Whatever. Then I hung out with people from class, Dave and Corinne (and Joanna) at Namdemun, which is pretty much my favorite place ever here. I'm a little bit obsessed with it and go there pretty much every weekend. Whatever. Also paid for the Vietnam tix, so that was exciting. :)
Then it was HP time. Let me just say that I LOVED IT! A)Victor Krum is HOT (totally hotter than silly old Cedric, Jo!!). 2) Ron and Hermione LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVE eachother. D) I think they did a pretty nice job with it, considering how much was left out. Oh, and Ralph Fienne is the BEST that I know of. I loved it. It may have just been my excitement, and the feeling of home-ness that it gave me, but I really, really loved it. I did kind of miss the Fab, though, just based solely on principal. :(
But here's the best part, when we left the theater, it was snowing!!! Real, actual snow falling from the sky. So beautiful and amazing... I love the first snow!!
Me and Gandalf, outside the theater, in the falling snow... ain't life grand?

I can safely say that I have never seen snow-covered flowers...
Or snow-covered bamboo. These are the three girls we went with, Joanna teaches one, Yulrie, and the other two are Gi-Sue and I-Yo. They are cute.
I can't even describe how magical it was... and Joanna said it wasn't like this at all last year. It must be just for me! I was missing the snow, and home, and having a crap week, and here it is, a first beautiful snow fall.
And my light just came back on...
I'm going to bed happy.
Much love.
Hey coot! I died laughing looking at that picture of you with the class with the elephant behind you. I don't know why but it just made me roll over.
Girl!! I loved HP4 too and I am glad you enjoyed it. I certainly thought of you when watching it. CLEARLY Ron and Hermione LOVE and it is fab. Also, wasn't the bathroom scene with Moaning Myrtle HELARIOUS?? I laugh thinking about it.
Anyway, glad you loved and got snow. We have buckets here in Nebraska which everyone assures me is an oddity. Must be because I am here.
Love, Annie
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