Thursday, November 24, 2005

"Ah la la la la la life is wonderful."--The Mraz

On this day of giving thanks, I figured I'd do the obligatory entry where I give mad thanks for what I've got. So, here's my Thanksgiving list, courtesy of Korea.
  • living near the mountains--my mountains
  • a steady job that pays me more money than I've ever been paid
  • my class, which I'm totally in love with
  • feeling loved by the people I left behind
  • the people I left behind being healthy and happy
  • $5 bootlegs--LOVE it!!
  • not having to drive anywhere
  • meeting new people from all over the world
  • Not having student loans to pay off
  • A new found appreciation for our neighbor to the north, Canada ;)
  • having an opportunity to be immersed in a new culture and language
  • having a once in a life-time experience I'll never be able to forget, no matter how hard I might try

While I'm feeling a little bit down that I can't be at home, I did have a nice dinner here, and I am happy. It's just a different kind of happy, I guess.

Anyway, wishes of happiness and a full belly.

Found this today: "Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving."--W.T. Purkisr

Now go out there and use those blessings. I'm gonna try.

Much love.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving dude. I am thankful for you. :o)


1:55 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Same here.

Bahing. :)

8:51 AM  

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