Wednesday, December 14, 2005

"Teacher, I know Foo Fighters!"--Jennifer

Yes, I have taught my kids Foo Fighers as well as James Taylor. We will be singing "Big Me" for our January performance and they will LOVE it. My Korean 5 year olds know Foo Fighers. Ha ha ha, I rule!!!

They've been doing really cute stuff lately, which is awesome because today's the first day all week that school hasn't made me so mad I serioulsy thought about quitting. Ugh... working for an idiot SUCKS. And she is. A complete idiot. But moving on... Joon, my little genius kid, says the following to me the other day: "Teacher, yesterday night, my back was killing me." How CUTE is that? And a complete sentence with a verb in the correct place, no less. I nearly died, it was so cute.

And James today made me take a star away for speaking Korean, the same thing they have to do if they speak Korean. So cute. He's not very good at English, but I tell you, that kid is a star. I just love him.

Let's be real... I love them all.

Gotta get to bed, but wanted to relate cute tales of my kids.


Much love.



Anonymous Anonymous said...

If you have taught them James Taylor, then you can come home. You've done your service for Korean society.


8:41 PM  
Blogger Unknown said...

Actually... one of them knows James Taylor. :)

8:27 AM  

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