"He only works one day a year. What do you think he does the rest of the time?"--me
Here's a fun holiday quiz, to get you all in the spirit.
Your Elf Name Is... |
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So that was fun, eh?
Not much new news to report but I did call about the puppy today... and I said yes. I'm going to take him. I had a name picked out, but now I don't like it, so I'm looking for suggestions. I want something literary... leave suggestions in the comments. He's brown and white, and a shish tzu, if that helps. Oh, and a boy. :) Suggest away...
One thing about the RENT movie (on my fourth watch... it's FINE) I forgot to mention... Sarah Silverman as Alexi Darling? GENIUS. Awesome.
Tomorrow's a busy day. Christmas performance in the morning, so my kids will be dressed up in costumes and singing for the parents, because this is somehow a measure of how much the kids have learned... I know, I can't figure it out either. We did a dress rehearsal today, and it looked something like this:
Worthwhile learning? Hardly. Cute as all heck? Undoubtedly. But apparently the parents think it's a huge deal and my kids pretty much sucked up their second song, "Baby, it's Cold Outside." Nice. Notice Lucy trying to sing into the mic. She was pretty much obsessed with it.
Don't ask me what's up with the background. I don't know. And that huge Santa hand you see? Yeah, it's one of two HUGE blow up Santas on the side of the stage. Okay, fine. But if you saw his face... Let's just say the Santas look like they were smoking some illegal substances in the sleigh. I'm JUST sayin'. I'll post a pic of it later, so you can see what I mean...
So... That's tomorrow. And apparently there's some sort of Christmas party or something at work... whatever. I guess last year the principal took everyone out for a fancy dinner at an expensive restaurant and what are we getting? Word on the street is pizza. Wow. Do I ever feel appreciated! Pizza! Gee!
Wish me luck tomorrow! It'll be cute if nothing else.
Much love!
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