Happy birthday, Bubba!
Today the one and only Lancelot "Bubba" Pooter VanCooter is two. Yay!

In other news, I loved my extra hour so much that I woke up at 6:30 this morning. Um, yeah. Super fun. But I did manage to check out a church, go to JoAnn's, get my Sunday Starbucks and go grocery shopping with T all before noon. Yeah, it was a productive day.
The church I tried was close, and it was LCMS but it was really old school. Like...even more old school than regular Lutherans already are. Yeah... it was weird. Every song was really slow and boring. But everyone I met was really nice (although over the age of 65, I'm sure) and I enjoyed the way the pastor spoke and his message in general, so I don't know. I think next week I'll try the later service and see if there's a difference between the two as far as the make-up of the congregation. It seems that all the other Lutheran churches in the area aren't LCMS so if I really don't like this one, I might have to try one of those. We'll see. It's pretty sad that i took me two months to get together enough to go to church.
I also bought tickets to go home at Christmas today. Yay for that.
Not much else to report. It'll be a regular week this week and I'm sooo glad to have a "normal" schedule for once.
Happy Birthday Bubba. Grandma loves you. I can't believe I forgot-I thought it was the 7th. I am going to try and print this picture and blow it up for my desk.
your puppy is adorable, happy birthday to him. animals bring so much joy into people's lives, i have two cats and two rabbits :)
p.s. great user name.. i am a huge J.D. Salinger lover myself!
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