Still alive...
Okay, so I'm still alive. For the time being, anyway. The past two weeks have been absolutely crazy. I've been at school every day until at LEAST 4, some days til 5 or so with Student Council. The dance was Friday, so things have calmed down on that front, which is a HUGE relief. I seriously was in over my head... I had way too much to do and not enough time to get it all done. Brutal. Anyway, things have calmed down until homecoming in October, so I'd better make the most of it now.
I mentioned the dance on Friday. Yeah, I spent my 26th birthday chaperoning a high school dance. Sadly, I think that's the closest to a birthday prom I'll ever get. It's all so sad. The Sadistic Jew (the guy at school in charge of discipline) told me I should go home because the dance was "no way to spend a birthday" but I felt bad so I stayed. It wasn't horrible; apparently the kids were very well behaved (they usually aren't... or something). At one point, Sister Pat (our principal) raced two of the other chaperones across the gym from sheer boredom. You KNOW there's nothing going on when the nun is racing people across the gym (and cheeting, too!).
This past weekend we went to Sarasota to get our furniture. It was nice getting to play with cute little kids (the BF's cousins are 2 and 4) and Olivia kept saying, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALICIA!!" She didn't really grasp the concept that it was already over. But it was cute. Saturday night we went out to Tommy Bahamas for dinner and then David cooked a "birthday dinner" on Sunday. Olivia helped decorate my cake, which had cream cheese frosting (read: the best frosting on the planet).
Anyway... last night the BF and I got the bed put together (she bought it but I'm using it instead of storing it somewhere). It's the biggest bed in creation... seriously. It's SO huge. Anyway here are some pics of what my room looks like. They're grainy and crap because I had to take them on my phone 'cause my digital camera is dead. Yeah, I know. I was thrilled too.
This is from the doorway. The brown curtain is covering my window.

So that's my room. I'll post some living room pics once we get it all sorted. It's still pretty much a mess, and the BF's dad is here so it might be that way until the end of the week.
I'll try to be better about updating now that my computer's back from it's epic journey to Best Buy (bastards) and I'm not living at school.
Much love!
I put a link to your blog under my "Blogroll" section of my new blog ( I hope you don't mind!
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