Spirit Week and Other Stuff
I need to get to bed in a minute because I'm UBER tired even though I took a 15 minute nap when I got home from school... at 6. Whatever.
So yeah, it's Homecoming Week at ILS and I'm staying late every day and, by the end, I'll have been there seven days straight. Yes, I know, my life is glamorous. It's true.
Anyway, here are a couple pics of me dressed up for Spirit Week. This is me, Alishea, and Jo on Memory Lane Monday. Eightys gear rules! Sadly, none of this outfit was purchased especially for this day.

Today was Twin Tuesday so Alishea, me, and a few other teachers dressed as students. The kids got a huge kick out of it all day, and most of them that don't know me probably thought I was a student.
Freddy even gave me a demerit! I broke pretty much every rule in the book...
It's been fun so far. I hope the rest of the week goes well.
This past weekend, The BF and I had a big one. Friday night was Elizabeth: The Golden Age and some mediocre Italian food (but amazing rolls!). Elizabeth made my life and we went to this semi-crap theather way out in the sticks, so it was quiet and actually enjoyable. Yay us. I took a picture of it because it was so cute. Plus, there was this weird... shadow (?) thing in the sky that looked super cool. Check it out at the top, middle of the picture. It's almost like the outline of a building or something...
The movie was really good and it appealed to my inner nerd, which is always awesome. Of course, T and I came home and looked up the history of the whole thing. We are the coolest.
Saturday we went out to explore a park (which means "beach" here, apparently) called Matheson Park. It's kind of by my work-ish. Anyway, it was a super windy day, and cloudy too, so the beach wasn't as relaxing as it could have been, but we found a nice spot for a future Saturday outing.
We stood and watched some kite surfers, though, and took lots of pictures. I even had a mini-photo shoot invoving a tree... T has those pics so I'll have to post them later. :) Here's one I took of the horizon and a kite surfer.
We spent the rest of the day running around like mad women because we hosted Game Nite on Saturday. Freddy came over, along with a girl from T's work and her husband and a couple people she knows. Everyone was cool, and we had a great time. I hope we do it again soon.
Okay... I've gotta get to bed. I have to proctor the PSAT tomorrow and then be at school with student coucil from 11 til God knows when.
Next week I have Monday and Friday off... It's my mantra right now.
Happy birthday, Mom!
Much love.
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