"I don't think a man's ever kissed my hand..."--Mark
About my weekend. Friday I went out with some of the crew from school, because JohnandLindsay are leaving, like, this Friday. So that's, like, tragic to my life because, as we all know, I don't handle change well and a few big ones as far as staff is concerned are coming and... I don't wanna discuss it. But anyway... We went out and it was fun and I will miss my friends. A lot.
Saturday I went to class and then hit up 동대문 (Dongdaemun). (P.S. I can type in Korean now!!) Let me explain that Dongdaemun is, basically, cheap clothes EVERYWERE. There are floors and floors and buildings and streets full of them. But I'm feeling tired of what I have, and it's getting hotter, so I wanted to buy a skirt or two (I can't really buy pants here). My mission was successful as I got one skirt that is reversible. It's awesome and you're totally allowed to be jealous. I am in love with it. I also got three pairs of (men's) sandals (my flip flops are GROSS) and another shirt. I think my spending habits of late are me trying to deal with the impending changes. Balls.
Hmm... Sunday. Sunday I went to 현대 (Hyundai) Department Store, where I had intended to spend my gift certificate on a Coach purse, but I couldn't find one that cost what I was willing to pay at the time, so instead I bought a DKNY watch. It's a super expensive nice watch, and I ended up actually paying half price for it (thank you gift certificate!) and I'm really happy with it. I don't have a really really nice dress watch. But now I do.
Then I came home and did some work and finally went to church. At church, I met a Korean girl who speaks three languages. She speaks Korean, then she left here at 9 to move to Columbia where she goes to highschool (so she speaks Spanish) and she speaks nearly perfect English as well. I=jealous. I want my kids to have that life. Heck, let's be honest, I want that life. *sigh* But, at this point, I'm doing my best.
Something funny happened on the way home from church. We get on the subway (4 of us, Mark, me, and two Korean friends) and immediately I smell Soju (cheap Korean licquor). About 3 minutes later, the source of the smell reveals itself with this old dude we were standing next to starts talking, at the top of his voice, about me and clapping and making a noise like a blender. Apparently he was saying I was really pretty and he wanted me to marry his son. Then he gave me his seat, and his wife was telling me I should punch him. lol. It was TOTALLY embarassing and funny at the same time. I was kind of horrified that he wouldn't shut up, but the wife was really funny, telling him to be quiet and stuff. Oh man... old drunk Korean men on the subway. What can you do?
Moving on... Monday was Monday, but I had some solace realizing that I would not have to teach on Wednesday. Tomorrow is election day, and although we were supposed to work, our boss realized that it's kind of illegal to make us work, so he let us have the day off. So... day off tomorrow! I'm going ice skating with my supervisor, Karen, and one of my students and his mom and sister. He invited me today and it was so cute. So we're going and I'm excited, even if it is early and with people from school. Whatever.
And then there was today... Fairly drama free, and JohnandLindsay's last day (ㅠㅠ). My favorite moment (other than Eric asking me to go ice-skating) was when I didn't teach my 양훈 (Young Houn) class today because two of my kids didn't show, one was sick, and the other decided that class wouldn't be worth while, so she went home. And the two girls that didn't come, were suspiciously the two girls whose parents I met with last Thursday. And these parents also met with the big boss (keep in mind, he knows NOTHING about education... nothing) and now they're pissed about something so they didn't send thier kid. Karen told me it was some reason and I just said something to the effect of, "I've been in Korea long enough to know that something that sounds THAT stupid is a lie and the girls aren't here because their moms are pissed." And she just laughed. Because I am right. So anyway, they're gonna change the curriculum or something, and it's gonna piss me off because I hate it when parents run the dang school. They are not teachers so they need to shut up and let me do my job. More on the results of this stupidity later.
I'll let you know how skating goes. :)
Much love.