So Much Excitement!
So many amazing things are happening in my life right now! I am feeling very blessed. But more on my big news later... gotta build up that anticipation!
First order of business, Royal Idol, ILS' yearly talent show, was last Thursday. After a great deal of brainstorming and failed but brilliant ideas, Mellie and I pulled of a great performance. We did a "music video" (basically re-creating the video or lip syncing to a song) to a song called "That's Not My Name." We basically did a play on the fact that all the Ms. Garcias are constantly getting another's papers. There is a video that exists, but it hasn't been sent to me yet, so pics will have to do for now.
This is at the beginning, shuffling our papers...

In other news, last weekend I got to be on the main stage at church playing Esther in the Bible story. Super fun, as always.
Last night were parent/teacher conferences. A couple of parents that I wanted to see came, but the rest were all the parents who always come even when their kids are doing well, like my parents always did. I'm happy to do it, and I think it's necessary, but I just wish the parents of the kids who need it would show up. But then again, if the parent's gave a crap, maybe their kid wouldn't be failing/a pain in my butt/a waste of space/annoying/"special. *sigh* It can be pretty frustrating, especially after 13 consecutive hours at work.
Speaking of, even though we have today off, I'll be at school tomorrow for the SALTT Dance-a-Thon. Last year, if you recall, my team and I won. This year team Austin Powers is planning to do the same. Now if I could only find a bald cap...
Enough of that stuff, on to my exciting news. First, I'll be heading to Costa Rica for spring break! I booked a Caravan tour leaving on April 9th and returning the 18th. Everything is taken care of on the tour: all food, accomidations, even transfers to and from the airport. I'm really excited and can't wait!
Second is more travel news. I was accepted into a Gildher-Lehrman Institute summer seminar at OXFORD!! Yes, THE Oxford! I'm finally going to England! The best part? I'm paying very little--they give each participant a $500 stipend, and cover all food, lodging, and books once I'm there. I can NOT believe it! I'm still a little bit in shock...
It's all happening.
I am SO blessed!
Much love.
Labels: class, holiday, lasalle, Miami, music, pics, summer, travel
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