Good bye, 2008! Hellooooo 2009!
Happy new year, every one! I rang in the new year at my sister's restaurant this year with the BF. No complaints, especially since the singer of the band that was playing quoted me! It was awesome. See, the countdown with good old Dick Clark was on, and the Jonas Brothers were playing. I go, "Are they even allowed to be up this late?" And the singer totally quoted it because I am hilarious. Shouldn't he pay me for that or something?! It was pretty awesome, I can't lie.
After midnight, "Johnny B. Goode" came on in the bar and I couldn't help myself...

Other than that, it was the usual holiday fare. Garcia side on Christmas Eve, Palo side on Christmas day. In fact, here's Grumpa, Mema, and I.

I made it to GR for a little bit with my mom and dad. That evening, we went to Frederick Meijer Gardens because they were having a Christmas exhibit, trees and decorations from all over the world. It was mostly inside stuff, but they decorated outside as well. It was really lovely, and I loved that everything was still blooming. I so wish I could grow plants and flowers but I can't. *sigh* Anyway, here's a picture of The American Horse, decorated for Christmas.

Other than that, I mostly just watched movies. I ended up seeing Australia (three hours of Hugh Jackman is KEY), Four Christmases (funny, even my dad liked it), The Curious Case of Benjamin Button (beautiful, perfect, poignant), Twilight (again, don't judge), Burn After Reading (quirky, funny, LOVE me some Frances McDormand), Bella (hot Mexican actor/models are lovely), Cadillac Records (mmm Adrien Brody), Wall-e (so prophetic I loved it), Wanted (Why does James McAvoy bother with a shirt?), Milk (inspirational), The Jane Austin Book Club (I've been in PLENTY of elevators and NEVER met Hugh Dancy), X-Files: I Want to Belive (TOTALLY messed up and angsty... great), Marley and Me (A scene was filmed at Monty's! Awesome!), Fred Claus (I heart Vince Vaughn and it was better than I thought), Chronicles or Narnia: Prince Caspian (not like I remembered the book but good... violent for a kids' movie, though), and Ironman (Robert Downey Jr. is HOT. Seriously. Rehab WINS.). I feel like that embarassingly long list is incomplete, but whatever. I had a lot of time on my hands, okay?
I managed to make it to Splash and have them take care of my nose stud (I got a new one and had it... installed) which was key. I also had a hair cut and color... It's now green! Woot! I love it but I'm kind of keeping it on the DL at work for now. Not sure how the nun will handle it, although it's not against any policy I can find. I totally looked. One of my students thinks it's, and I quote, "Bad ass." What can I say? I'm a bad ass English teacher.As. If.
My mom also had a brunch, where I learned this kid from high school is now back at the high school teaching A.P. English. I didn't even know dude could READ and he's teaching A.P.? I kinda feel bad about myself, but then I realize I don't really want to be teaching in Holt. I'm happy I've gotten out of there, at least for now. So yeah... the brunch was a nice way to catch up with some folks and eat some more Christmas food. Which is ALWAYS okay.
For more of my holiday photos, click on the Facebook album here.
And as a finaly holiday note, this is our tree here in Miami. This may be my Christmas card next year!

Maybe my green hair has given me new attitude.
Much love.
Labels: family, friends, holiday, link, Miami, Michigan, movie, pics, sights, t, travel
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