Sunday, July 13, 2008

New Hair and Sea Bass

Wednesday night my life changed. Derric and Meagan from church invited a bunch of people over to watch So You Think You Can Dance and I went; not because I'm a huge fan of the show, but because it was better than sitting at home. Plus, let's be real, I dig a show about dancing. So anyway I'm watching, and I see Mark, the new love of my life. Let's just say he's beautiful and a great dancer and this pretty much made me want to cry for days. That's Mark, my future husband. It's fine. This was also pretty brilliant, although no Mark. :( The lady who choreographed it, though, is apparently from Coconut Grove. Score!
So anyway, I see Mark and I decide I want his hair cut. So I got it, kind of. Well, a girl version of it. My hair's never been this short before... perhaps not even when it first started growing! The lady who cuts it does a great job, though, and I really like it. I think you really have to have personality to wear that hair and I'm kind of proud that I can pull it off. At least, I think I'm pulling it off. It's fun and faux hawkey and I like it. Now I finally feel like I can grow it 'cause this is what I wanted all along and never managed to get. So here it is. I dig.

I took my hair out for it's debut on Saturday because Fredy owed me. :) We went out to a fusion restaurant in South Beach called Sushi Samba. The place had Japanese, Peruvian, and Brazilian food. I know, they're all so similar. Noooot so much. But I'm telling you--this place was amazing. Leave it to Fredy to know a great place and to order some amazing appetizers. We had a tuna ceviche and the most amazing sea bass skewers I've ever eaten. This bass was so good I'm still thinking about it. Right now. As I type this, I'm wishing I could eat more of this sea bass. I've been thinking about it since we parted ways, in fact, and the thought of it makes me so happy. Seriously--it was that good. I can't even deal.

Margarita got a new camera and she decided to put it to good use, so here's me (my new hair) and the Fred.

This flower was a garnish... I like to wear garnish.

Outside the restaurant was this amazing tree (they're in abundance here) with this viney-flowers hanging down. Cool tree+me=photo op. You know this.

After dinner, we went to Art Walk down in the Design District. All the galleries down there opened their doors and you could just walk around and browse. Now, I fully admit that I don't understand most art. Like weird stuff that looks like baby poo and vomit on a canvas is not lovely to me. Seriously. But yeah, some of the stuff was cool... and some was just wierd. An enjoyable evening all in all.

This is just a snapshot of a graffiti wall we walked by. I liked it...graffiti I get.

So that was my weekend so far. I'm going to be pretty much living at church until next Saturday night, as Adventure Weekend (the event I've been working on all summer) starts Friday. I'm excited and nervous and anxious about it all, but I'm sure it'll be great!

Then I get to go home!!

Much love.

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