Spring break and irony
For the first time in three years, I was actually home for my sister's birthday and Easter. Luckily this year the two fell very close together, as Easter was the earliest it's been (and will be) in ages. Yes, that's right folks, I LEFT hot, sunny Miami for cold, snowy Michigan for spring break. I sort of love the irony of it.
Another big draw for me to head home was the fact that I cajoled my parents into a trip to Chicago. It was amazing, especially since I haven't been there since... March of, like, 2003. Maybe even longer. Let's just say it's been so long that I can't remember HOW long it's been. So yeah... I got home on Wednesday and we left for Chicago Thursday. We spent all day Friday and half a day Saturday there. I finally ate at Heaven on Seven, which is a Cajun place with a wall--no seriously A WHOLE WALL--of hot sauce. Plus, like, 12 bottles on the table. It was a truly beautiful sight.
My dad and I also went up to the Observation Deck of the Hancock building, which neither of us had done before. We actually went up there twice, because the first time we went up, there was this evil snowy fog of death and we could barely see anything at all. Luckily, they give you another set of tickets that you can use within 24 hours. So we did. Here's some of what we saw...
The Chicago city-scape!

My favorite new discoveries were the West Egg Cafe and the Cafe and Vine Piano Bar. West Egg is a classy serves-breakfast-all-day type place, and the English teacher in me LOVED the Gatsby reference. The piano bar was just cool--very tiny, very chill, and 140 martinis. MUST go back and try (at least) two more. The two I had were delicious, though, one blue thing that tasted, well, blue and another one that was minty. The mint one was a bit too... creamy, I guess, but still rather enjoyable.
Of course we made the traditional stop at "The Cuban Store" where we procured provisions. The irony was in full force there as well, considering where I live now. All in all, though, a great trip.
The other main events were Easter and Liz's birthday. Everyone came over for Easter dinner, including Jody. Mema, Grumpa and Mark made the trip, and although Grumpa wasn't sure where he was, he was having a good time. He really does well when there are lots of other people around, I think it keeps him focused or something. I don't think he really knew who I was but he kept saying, "I know your voice, I know your laugh." I'm quite certain that even if he can't recall me, he still knows who I am.
And finally, Liz's birthday. We went out to The Claddah and ate dinner. I can't lie--I did NOT enjoy my meal. I really wanted fish and chips but I'd eaten fries for lunch (at Johnny Rockets with Jody and Mom) and didn't want to eat them again. I ended up having this "Balsalmic chicken" which was NOT very balsalmic-y at ALL. If I order something with the word "balsalmic" in the title, I want to drink that $#!t. Plus, the chicken was tough. The mashed potatoes were good, though, and the Guiness French Onion Soup was good as well. So was the beer. :)
After the restaurant, Liz, Derek, and I proceeded to the newly dubbed Sky Lanes to play a couple of games. I left after bowling because, frankly, the idea of going to a bar, in Lansing, on a night when MSU was playing in the Sweet 16, with a bunch of chain smokers made me ill. So I went home. But not before we snapped a cute pic!

Must proceed with caution to bed...
More later.
Much love.
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