The latest and greatest...
Lots of stuff to catch you all up on.
Two weekends ago, T went to Sarasota and Ali and I went to the Asian Culture Festival at the Fruit and Spice Park in the Redlands here. I'd never been to the park before, but T said it was pretty interesting, and we all know how I feel about Asian culture, so I thought I'd give it a whirl. It turned out to be really cool--booths from all different countries, dances from all over, music and food. I even got my name (and Ali's too, by default) written in Japanese. Yay! Here are a couple of pics...
This is me on a dragon boat. Apparently there's a club here and it wold be really cool to check it out.

This is a carved watermelon. It was kind of amazing. There were all kinds of art made of things like squash, watermelon, and other melons. It was so intricate and beautiful I hardly believed it was food.

Finally, if there's a giant painted board with a hole in it, I'm sticking my head in. I can't resist!

In other exciting news, this week has been a crazy nightmare. I've been SUPER busy all week. Royal Idol, our school talent show and fundraiser, was last night and there was crap to do all week for it because of course, Student Council put on the even and of course, Ms. D left everything until the last second and didn't entrust me with anything even though this is the ONE event I really could have rocked hardcore. And I did, by the way, rock it hard core. Fredy and I did a short little performance, and it was pretty amazing. Apparently the kids went crazy but I couldn't tell because I was on stage dancing and I couldn't see past the stage. I'm glad the kids enjoyed it. I had a great time doing it. I also served as a judge for two categories, modeling and dance. Overall, the show went well and there were few techical difficulties, but I was at school until after midnight. Booo.
On the bright side, though, I actually talked to Danny Wood. He came to see his kid perform in the show, and I was serving little to no purpose at all, and he came in and I said, "hi" to greet him and he says... Are you ready for this? He says, "Hi." It was so awesome. I even took a pic with my camera phone. Never tell. Follow the arrow...

Awe. Some. In other run ins with celebrities news, Ali and I went to the beach today after our all day faculty meeting. We went to Crandon park, on Key Biscayne, and it turns out they're filming Marley and Me on the beach there! Ali and I walked over there but this P.A. stopped us (I bet dude had to do that ALL DAY LONG... what a crap gig.). He was cool though, and talked to us a little bit about the production and all the "Marleys" they had. I'm excited to see the movie now, though, because they're filming most of it in Miami and in places that I actually go. I guess they are filming or have filmed some stuff in the Grove, which is right by school. How cool is that?
Here's a pic I snapped of the entire production. I'm sure Eric Dane (Dr. McSteamy), Owen Wilson, or Jennifer Aniston is somewhere in there...

Besides all of that excitement, T and I went to a South East Florida GV Alumni event on Tuesday. There was free food, free booze, and free crap. I was SO there. Plus, I was mad as hell about Royal Idol and the way it was being handled, so I didn't want to be at school having to deal with it and getting madder and madder. The event was in Ft. Lauderdale, so I got home way past my bedtime, but it was still pretty fun. I met some really nice folks that I'd enjoy haning out with again, and caught up with a lady I remembered from my days in GVSU housing. It was so crazy to see her but great at the same time. Turns out, she was in Miami with her GV Alum hubby for spring break and decided to come. Yay!
The only thing about it I didn't like was feeling like a complete failure. This girl at our table was talking about how when you graduate you get a job where you make $60,000 a year. And I'm thinking, Do you know how long I'll have to work to make that doing what I do? Too damn long. And THEN she goes, "And then you get your second job and you make, like, 90." Um... no you don't. She was some kind of financial planner or something... whatever. I clearly chose the wrong field. Then later, everyone whips out thier business card to exchange with the others at the table, and I'm like... "I have...a pen..." I am so lame I can't even deal. Not that I really need or WANT a business card but it just really made me feel... inadequate. Like I was some kind of freak not to have one or something. Everyone already hates on teachers anyway, let's feel even worse about our job! That's fun!
So anyway, that's what I've been up to. Poor Lancelot was home alone too much this week, poor guy! School's been busy with the end of the quarter, there was a huge issue with grades that was three days of drama but we finally got it sorted. Woot. I'm so looking forward to just chillaxing this weekend. Holla!
Back to Michigan in less than a week!
Much love.
Labels: friends, Lancelot, lasalle, link, Miami, movie, pics
How's everything going? I feel like I can SOMEWHAT keep up with you through your blog. Speaking of, I have an award for you over at my blog. Check it out :)
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