A bit late but... DISNEY!
It's been over a week since I chaperoned Grad Nite at Disney. I really have no excuse for not updating until now, I admit, but I just get so dang busy. I'm so OVER grading papers and work in general. I can't WAIT until I'm done and have a whole magic summer to myself. Speaking of which, I'm in the process of obtaining summer employment--I had an interview last week with the Miami Children's Theater to help with their summer program. Although I want to travel this summer, I realize that by working THIS summer, I can save up and go somewhere fab NEXT summer, and probably spring break as well. Although it's not the most glamorous decision, it's probably the most fiscally responsible. I've got to email Lisa some dates and see if I can work it out to go home for a bit before camp starts. Anyway, that's what currently brewing.
This past weekend, I went to an Indian restaurant, Imlee, with T and Ali and it was SO good. I had Goa Fish Curry and enjoyed every bite. After dinner, we rented August Rush and watched it here. Cheesy and unrealistic, but cute. And let's be real, I LOVE me some Jonathan Rhys Myers. Da. Ddy. I also rented a Kiwi movie called Eagle Vs. Shark which was totally indie and adorable and Kiwi and made my hard smile. Yay New Zealand.
Okay, on to Disney. We left around 2, which, apparently, is pretty normal. We were aiming to leave around 1 so... yeah. At the food/potty pit stop, I ate for free because I told them I was a chaperon and they gave me free pizza. HOLLA! I love free crap, especially free food. But I also remembered, as I was fighting my way through hordes of high schoolers, that I hate being around that many people. So yeah, that was fun.
We actually ended up getting to the park a bit early (a first for Miami kids, I'm sure) and had to wait outside for a while. Fredy and I had heard that in previous years they did an underground tunnels tour for the chaperons, so we booked it to the chaperon station to sign up. All our effort, however, proved fruitless: there was no tour. But at this point, Fredy and I had lost everyone else, so we hung out together the whole night and barely even saw a student. We had Fast Passes (read: a free pass to the front of the line) for most of the popular rides and barely waited in line at all. It. Was. Awesome.
We went on everything we could. Space Mountain was even more fun than I remembered it. Thunder Mountain is also still a wicked good time. The new and improved Pirates of the Caribbean, which now includes several versions of an eerily lifelike Jack Sparrow, was excellent. Peter Pan was a bit dissapointing because, let's be real, I wanted some demon Tinkerbell, and she only showed up once. BOO.
I realized throughout the night that Fredy was basically MY chaperon. And boy, I tell ya, he knows his way around that park. Good thing too, 'cause I had no clue.
We ate twice, once was our free meal (burgers with exploding ketchup and fries) and the second time was the chaperon breakfast buffet. Sometimes you need biscuits and gravy and pineapple at 1 am. Clearly. We started to leave the park at 2 am, and ACTUALLY left at 3 am. I didn't sleep much (read: at all) on the bus home but I rested so all was not lost.
I'll post a couple pictures, but you can click here for the full album on Facebook.
There was a fireworks show for the seniors and it provided many lovely photo opps.

Much love.
Labels: friends, job hunt, lasalle, link, pics, sights, travel
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