Well, I've had to make the change. This is a sad day for me, saying goodbye to my LJ and hello to blogger. No one even knows this bad boy exists, but, well, here it is.
A lot of other changes have happened in my life recently, besides this blog thing. I got a tattoo and a perm, all in the same week. Something in me changed and I needed to fix something that I'm not even sure was broken. I wrote something about it...elsewhere, and it basically boiles down to this: I left Michigan to see the world, and have new experiences and run away from a life I didn't particularily like, and I came here and found that there are just some things you can't outrun, and you eventually have to either deal with them or... not. And I guess my way of dealing was just to make some changes in my life that were a long time in coming. So here's what my tat looks like:

It says "pul-sa-jo" which means phoenix in Korean. It's on my right hip-al area-ish. And here's my new hair:

Shorter and curlier but it's all good. I've decided I like it and it was time for my Rapunzel style to go away. One hair was equivalent to a whole hairball, and that was just unacceptable. Plus, the British guy at work that I secretly have a crush on said I looked like Cindy Crawford. It's FINE. :) So that's it, the me with a tattoo and a wave perm. How exciting.
In other news... Let's see, went to a rigged soccer game but it was still pretty fun. Pretty sure I documented that in the LJ. RIP, LJ, R. I. P.
My Korean class ended today. I'm definitely going back for the next session, and we've got a trip to my mountains in two weekends. I think it's the same mountains Joanna and I went to a couple weeks ago, so I'm really excited. It's just nice to hang out with some different people for a bit, people who aren't one half of a couple, of which there are none at my school except me.
I don't wanna talk about it.
But furthering me on my quest to learn Korean, one of the supervisors at school, Liz, hooked me up with a friend of hers who is going to teach me Korean in exchange for her getting to practice conversation with me. We're going to get a book tomorrow morning. Kind of exciting. I=NERD.
Joanna and I went midnight shopping last night, and I discovered that it is GLORIOIUS. They sell everything, and when I bought my SWEET David Beckham shirt the dude gave me a discount for being pretty. I. Rule. :) I almost bought a puppy, but somehow mustered the piece of mind to walk away without one. I'm just not ready...yet. But I really need something to come home to, because I talk to my roaches. This, I'm sure, is not a healthy practice.
Geez, I feel like so much time has gone by since I last wrote, and it has, but for some reason, I just can't remember what I've been doing or what's been going on in my life. I go to work, I go to dance, I come home, life goes on. We had a fieldtrip last week to dig sweet potatos, and my kids were really cute. Case in point:

Two of my lipstick girls, with my gloss on. Every day, "Teacher, lipstick!" How could you say no?

There are all of them, all 12 little stinkers. Notice how Willy's not paying attention, as per usual. I can't STAND how cute they are.
Well, friends, thanks for tuning in. Please, please, please comment and send me love. This is for all of us.
Much love--