"No, that was terrifying!!"
My week was pretty run of the mill, but we did have a fieldtrip, so I'll tell you all about that.
We went to this mask exibition. Yes, that's right, masks. Everywhere. From all over the world. And I was okay with it (please take a minute to recall my strange phobia... okay... yeah...) because they were just hanging on the wall. Whatever. That was until my kids (and every other class at CIS) all painted masks and were obsessed with wearing them. I spent the rest of the day going, "Don't put it on your face! Take it off your face!!" Horrible.
Oh, and it was an especially tender moment when Rodney stole one of my kids' masks and put it on and ran at me. Yeah... Special memories. Still, I guess it was kinda cool to see all the masks, I just didn't enjoy any of the masked figures (or kids or teachers). I handled it well, I feel.

Here's my class in front of a wall of masks. In order we have Julie, Joon, Caroline, Grace, Jinni, Jennifer (sporting new, short hair), Jenny, Lucy, Willy, Pitt, Eric, and James.

This is Jennifer, Eric, and James painting thier masks. We didn't really have enough time to finish them, but my class rocked it hard and most did a really good job.

This is some weird, hairy thing wearing a mask. Kinda creepy... right?
And one final picture that I have to share because it's awesome. This is not actually from the fieldtrip but because I was bored in class one day and James was cold so I gave him my sweater... and then made him throw up the W. I am clearly awesome.

Thug life, baby. Thug life.
Um... Friday was Performance Theater. We did "Wild World" by Cat Stevens. Not one of our best numbers, but they did a good job with it so whatev. Friday night was beer with the boys from work, until SeetaandJamie showed up and Seeta and I had girl talk time. Then I kicked James' butt a foose ball. Even though I SUCK monumentally at foose ball. It was a little bit awesome.
Saturday was a complete bust. I went to class, which was interesting because I ate kangaroo. Like, the animal from Austrailia that jumps. I ate kangaroo jerkey. I didn't even know you could eat kangaroo, but apparently you can. I've heard the tail's delicious. Anyway, this kangaroo jerkey tasted like fish food smells at first, but then it tasted like beef. I'm kind of over it.
After class I had this lovely vision of a pita and then shopping for presents in Insadong, but my plans were thwarted by a poor decision on Mark's part and the weather. So... nothing what-so-ever was accomplished, and gifts remain un-bought. Balls. I got caught in the rain twice. And I'm talking, like, monsoon rains here. It was crappy.
Then Sunday I slept in for the first time in two weeks and LOVED my dang life. Then I cleaned my floor and toilet, did some laundry and watched 4 episodes of Ally McBeal season 3. Whatever. Then it was Starbucks and church, where the message was about submitting to your husband. I think I kinda missed the point but um... no. Whatever. After church, Insok, Corinne (who's back from Canada... yay!!) went to Itawon in search of a pita but instead met three new friends and had Mexican food. One of my new friends is from the MI and it's awesome. :)
Hmm... not much else to report. My birthday's on Thursday and I'm not thrilled about it. Balls... I'm gonna be 25!! Eeep!
Much love.