Sunday, August 27, 2006

"No, that was terrifying!!"

My week was pretty run of the mill, but we did have a fieldtrip, so I'll tell you all about that.

We went to this mask exibition. Yes, that's right, masks. Everywhere. From all over the world. And I was okay with it (please take a minute to recall my strange phobia... okay... yeah...) because they were just hanging on the wall. Whatever. That was until my kids (and every other class at CIS) all painted masks and were obsessed with wearing them. I spent the rest of the day going, "Don't put it on your face! Take it off your face!!" Horrible.

Oh, and it was an especially tender moment when Rodney stole one of my kids' masks and put it on and ran at me. Yeah... Special memories. Still, I guess it was kinda cool to see all the masks, I just didn't enjoy any of the masked figures (or kids or teachers). I handled it well, I feel.

Here's my class in front of a wall of masks. In order we have Julie, Joon, Caroline, Grace, Jinni, Jennifer (sporting new, short hair), Jenny, Lucy, Willy, Pitt, Eric, and James.

This is Jennifer, Eric, and James painting thier masks. We didn't really have enough time to finish them, but my class rocked it hard and most did a really good job.

This is some weird, hairy thing wearing a mask. Kinda creepy... right?

And one final picture that I have to share because it's awesome. This is not actually from the fieldtrip but because I was bored in class one day and James was cold so I gave him my sweater... and then made him throw up the W. I am clearly awesome.

Thug life, baby. Thug life.

Um... Friday was Performance Theater. We did "Wild World" by Cat Stevens. Not one of our best numbers, but they did a good job with it so whatev. Friday night was beer with the boys from work, until SeetaandJamie showed up and Seeta and I had girl talk time. Then I kicked James' butt a foose ball. Even though I SUCK monumentally at foose ball. It was a little bit awesome.

Saturday was a complete bust. I went to class, which was interesting because I ate kangaroo. Like, the animal from Austrailia that jumps. I ate kangaroo jerkey. I didn't even know you could eat kangaroo, but apparently you can. I've heard the tail's delicious. Anyway, this kangaroo jerkey tasted like fish food smells at first, but then it tasted like beef. I'm kind of over it.

After class I had this lovely vision of a pita and then shopping for presents in Insadong, but my plans were thwarted by a poor decision on Mark's part and the weather. So... nothing what-so-ever was accomplished, and gifts remain un-bought. Balls. I got caught in the rain twice. And I'm talking, like, monsoon rains here. It was crappy.

Then Sunday I slept in for the first time in two weeks and LOVED my dang life. Then I cleaned my floor and toilet, did some laundry and watched 4 episodes of Ally McBeal season 3. Whatever. Then it was Starbucks and church, where the message was about submitting to your husband. I think I kinda missed the point but um... no. Whatever. After church, Insok, Corinne (who's back from Canada... yay!!) went to Itawon in search of a pita but instead met three new friends and had Mexican food. One of my new friends is from the MI and it's awesome. :)

Hmm... not much else to report. My birthday's on Thursday and I'm not thrilled about it. Balls... I'm gonna be 25!! Eeep!

Much love.

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Sunday, August 20, 2006

"Guess who's going to China over Chuseok...This kid right here!"

I've had an extremely productive weekend. But let's backtrack for a moment.

My week at school was as good as can be expected when one works for Satan. I did hear, however, that our school is on the "chopping block." Satan is looking to sell it, apparently, becasue he made some bad investments in China or something, and now he doesn't have the money to run the school or something. So I'm looking at this whole thing positively. We'll either get bough out (fine with me) or get a new owner who is not Satan and could potentially be an actual decent human being with a soul and, like, feelings.

I guess when you sell your soul to money and Satan you come out on the losing end. And I clearly win. :) Plus, we had a day off on Tuesday and I went to the pool with Rachel and Mark. Even though it rained, we had a nice lunch so it was okay. Four day work weeks are SO KEY. *sigh*

Speaking of China, Saturday I booked tickets to Qingdao, China for Chuseok. This is where Joanna lives now, so I can go visit. Plus, SeetaandJamie might come too, which would be super fun because I could play with them while The J has to work. We also might take a day trip to either Beijing or Shanghai, depending on prices and how much time we have. I'm so excited!! Plus, the tickets were less than $400. This is so key. Granted, it'll be a short trip, but it's still something. Yay.

I also booked tickets home for Christmas, just to make sure I'll have them. So yeah.

After booking, I had lunch with my friend Kelly who just got back from her vacation. Super nice to catch up with her. Then last night I caught up with my friend Fredrick whom I haven't seen in months because he's got a Korean girlfriend now. Whatever. In fact, I went out with the "We've Got Korean Girlfriends" club last night. Gag. It was me, Fredrick, Mark and Fred's room mate Daniel (half-Japanese, half-British... Yes, I'm in love with him.) with his girlfriend. I KIND of wanted to barf. There is NO LOVE for a foreign girl over here, let me tell you.


Today I got up early and went to church (yay me) and then met SeetaandJamie for some Starbucks time. We just drank coffee and read and chilled out. SUPER nice. Oh, and I started chatting with this girl there, and it turns out she was a sculptor from Iceland. A) I've never met anyone from Iceland. 2) I love artsy people. And D) her medium was wax and cheese. Yes, ladies and gentleman, she made a sculpture out of cheese. I'm not gonna lie, it was a little bit the coolest thing ever. I love weird artsy people.

I feel like I was barely home this weekend. It's nice to be home now and chillin' out. Hopefully I'll get to bed early tonight, but I'm starting a new book so I dunno... I guess it depends on how much I like it.

Much love.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

"Four day work weeks are SO key..."

I have today off. I went to the pool until it started raining, then I ate a decicious lunch of chicken Ceaser salad. Already, today has been better than ANY day at CIS. Plus, I got to hang out with Mark AND Rachel so life was joyful. Except that the bottom of the pool was painted blue, so anyone who touched the bottom with thier feet (or any other part, for that matter) turned them blue. Only in Korea, I swear.

Today's independance day, or something. Independance from Japan. Which means that today in Japan is like, Memorial Day and people go to the graves of thier loved ones. It's so interesting, if you think about it. The overlapping history of Korea and Japan. Crazy.

So I guess I should relate my weekend. Hmm... Friday was wine and cheese night. I think I watched a movie... can't really recall. But I ate a wheel of Brie and drank wine and loved my life. Saturday was class and then a haircut/perm. I was kind of upset by it, though, because the girl kept saying my hair was "very damaged." Um... it COULD be 'cause I haven't been able to wash it in warm water for two weeks, or I haven't had a haircut in about 5 months, or because the water here is awful or... whatever. Anyway... it looks fine now so I'm happy. I'm still contemplating cutting it off though. Maybe before I leave.

If I do cut it, I want it to look like this (the girl with brown hair):

Could I pull that off? Please comment on this issue.

Hmm... Oh, also on Saturday night I went out with Linds, Christa and Seeta to the bar with the pool. It was joyful.

Sunday I went to Itaewon and Insadong and realized that I could buy nearly everything in Insadong and never bat an eye. OMG... I am in LOVE with it. It's a place where they sell more of the "traditional" Korean things, instead of clothes or whatever, and I'm in love with ALL of it. I can't even take it. Seriously. So that was depressing. Then I came home and watched Lucky Numer Slevin, which is a decent movie considering Josh Hartnett ruins my life.

Monday was... Monday. What can I really say about it? I've started hating the place I work and people I work for, although I like my job. Paul said there were only 99 working days left on Monday, so that's awesome. Especially since I get an extra 4 off in my new contract. Make that 95. Hot.

Hmm... still working on the Hawaii pics. Don't know what to do...I might just make a movie of them and then post it on YouTube so everyone can watch it. I'm not really sure yet. I'll figure something out soon, though.

Anyway, I picked up this SUPER awesome book on Saturday at What the Book? (that place is becoming crack to me) and I think I'm gonna put in a movie and read it.

That. Rules.

I LOVE not working. :)

Much love!


Wednesday, August 09, 2006

I'm pretty sure Blogger HATES me."

So, of course, I'm trying to update about Hawaii and stupid Blogger won't let me put up pictures. GAH! This is the same crap that happened with the wedding pics... Clearly, it hates my guts.

So anyway, in leiu of a Hawaii update, I've made got two new videos on YouTube. Here's one and here's the other. They're both my kid's at Performance theater. One's New Kids, the other's THE CUTEST thing ever. Sometimes, Bjork is awesome. :)

Last night my soul was rejuvinated because 7 of the CIS staffers headed to see DJ Shadow who, it turns out, is AWESOME. My SOUL needed that. It was amazingly fun and a SUPER good show, but 7 teachers were draggin' today. Man... Getting home at 2 am and then getting up to teach=no fun. Still, my kids were rockstars today so that helped.

Hmm... my feet are a disaster. Seriously... they hurt and they're peeling and cracking and yikes. I kind of want them to stop sucking.

Linds (of JohnandLindsay) stopped by school today and it was nice to see her. Glad those two crazy kids are back in Seoul. They're good people.

Much love.


Saturday, August 05, 2006

"I'm not a superhero... I can't fight pure evil."

I have just had the worst week of my life. Literally.

It was one of those weeks when everything converges and anything that could go wrong does. And I can normally handle it, but let's remember I had a perfect vacation last week (update is coming!!) and I started the week having to work on a day we should have had off. I don't wanna rehash the entire thing, because I'm still recovering, but suffice it to say it was BAD. Every single day of it something went wrong.

It started to look up last night when I went out with Seeta and Christa for a girls night. We wanted to get massages and hair cuts, but of course, these did not occur. Instead we had dinner and drinks, and then sat and drank wine with our feet in a pool (at the best bar EVER). We just talked and chilled all night and it was SUPER awesome, and so necessary. Those two are much more calm than I am in that they don't hold things (like grudges) like I do, so they kind of inspired me to just let all the work bull$#!t go and not let Satan affect my life because he's not worth my time. He will die alone and rot in hell regardless of wether or not I make it clear how much I hate him. So I shouldn't waste my time on him because I can't fight pure evil. He's the one who has to live a life devoid of joy and happiness, not me. So he can suck it and I'll try to let it go.

'Course... saying and doing are QUITE different. But I'm trying. I turned a new leaf somewhere between drinks 5 and 6. lol.

And today was good too. Class in the morning (turns out I bumped up a level 'cause I'm a genius... Duh.) and then cheap Mexican food with my new friends from class and our new pal Wayne, who owned the restaurant. Then I hit up What The Book? and speant nearly $50 on books. In my defense, they were kids' books and I'll try to make the school pay for them. I'm awesome. :)

I don't konw what tonight will hold, but if it's just chillin' out that'd be FINE with me. I'd LIKE to find a sauna and take a hot shower (not hot water until August 12th...) but LAST time I tried to go on Thursday the place was friggin' closed.

I TOLD you it was a crap week.

Much love.


Tuesday, August 01, 2006

"I couldn't even have a WEEK..."

I'm back from Hawaii nice and safe. It was, as expected, an amazing time. I'll update about it more when I finish photo editing the pics I took. I promise.

But for now, let me leave you with this. It's a video of my kids singing "Free Fallin'" for Performance Theater. It's SUPER cute. Watch and love.

In other news, I came back to my hot water being turned off for 12 days, and my school not paying us when we are contractually supposed to be paid. Oh, and the other campus of our school got Monday off.

Ain't life grand? Oh Lord... Can it be January now?

Much love.
