"Someday, I'm gonna buy something on the subway."
Well, my friends, today was that day. You see, there are people selling stuff EVERYWHERE in this city, including people selling crap on the subway; everything from CDs of "greatest" or "best" music you've NEVER heard, to book lights and ear muffs. I bought a top that lights up and it's awesome. I'm gonna either use it as a prize for my kids OR... keep it for myself. ;)
Speaking of my kids, it was a fieldtrip Thursday this week, and a good one it was too. We went to Chang Gyeong Gung Palace, and it was one of the prettiest places I've seen in Seoul. Of course, it being springtime, there were flowers everywhere, and it was a beatuiful sunny day and it was just... lovely. The kids had a great time picking up flowers and pinecones and all kinds of flora and fauna. Anyway, here are some pics.
First of all, I have to make a comment about the irony of an ancient palace surrounded by modern city. Palace and... skyscraper?
We came across some dancers and it was so picturesque I had to snap one.
We also discovered this magical greenhouse, where I found this flower. I was wearing a shirt the exact same color that day, and my little Jenny actually remembered it the next day in class.
Here's my whole class, in front of some flowers.
And finally, just for The BF, Willy and the flower he found, which he put in his hair.
So that was that. It was one of our better fieldtrips, I must say.
Then last night, Friday, I went out to Hooters (again, fake not real) and hung out with the boys from work: Rodney (my big brother), Paul (former hippie rockstar who knows Bob Dylan), and Gareth (the new Brit), and then Steve (the old Brit) showed up too. We just sat around and drank beers until Steve started fighting (verbally) with Paul about something, and then Rodney and Gareth got into it and I'm like, y'all don't need to fight 'cause I'm the only chick here! Can't we all just get along? It was pretty funny, and a good time after all.
Today was class and then home to take Lancelot out into this beautiful day. Then I went to Jade's new house, and hung out with her and her new husband. She even made dinner, and she's not the most adept cook. But it was really good. And I saw all thier wedding and honeymoon photos, so that was cool.
It was a nice day.
Much love.