Saturday, August 21, 2010

Mysterious Miami

I think sometimes the wonders of Miami will never cease. Just yesterday afternoon I took Lancelot out for a walk--the sky was lovely and blue, a flew fluffy white clouds over head; it was hella hot and the sun was beating down something fierce. Not an opportune time to take him out, I realize, but some things need to be done. So we get outside, and I start to feel these tiny, wet drops on my skin as we begin to walk. Must be washing something nearby, I think. Maybe the 7th floor balcony or something. But the drops were a little too infrequent for that. I continued to walk and continued to feel drops. It can't be raining, I think looking up, it's sunny as anything! As I walked, the drops got bigger and bigger until it was legitimately raining...WITHOUT A RAIN CLOUD IN THE SKY. I felt like that kid in the YouTube video, "Is this real life?"

About two hours later, as I'm looking out over the mall and seeing a cloud that looks like it could usher in the apocalypse and hearing thunder and lightning, Tiffany asked me to take the dogs out again in case it started to pour before she got home. Funny thing was--IT NEVER EVEN SPRINKLED. I don't understand this place. For realz.

Then today we had an adventure to El Palacio de los Jugos (The Juice Palace, lol) where it was really like a different country. She and I both managed to get food, and a beverage. I went for the "muddle your way through some Spanish" plan of attack, and Tiffany did the "find a friendly native" approach. It was awesome. And we had some delicious blackberry juice for dessert. Yum!

In other news, I've been dealing with FIU and ILS stuff pretty much non-stop since I got back. I'm ready to start class on Wednesday, minus one book that will hopefully arrive Monday. I even have a parking pass and student ID after an epic morning of trying to obtain both.

At ILS, my room's set up, minus a few posters I can't get to stick to the wet walls, my syllabi and policies and written up, I'm ready to tackle another year of American lit and my first year of journalism. I'm excited for the challenge, but nervous that I won't know what the heck I'm doing. But it's cool--I can fake a whole lot.

This school year is going to be an exercise in balance and focus. I know I'm a good teacher, and I know I was once a good student, I'm just not sure if I can be both, at the same time. So pray for me, if you're so inclined, and if not, send good ju ju my way. I'll take both. :)

I'm glad to be back to my regular life, to see my clothes and shoes and bed again. I missed my friends here in Miami, and I missed my job. I'm glad to be back, which is a good feeling. Hopefully I'll remember what this feels like when I've had it with Miami.

I signed up for Netflix when I got back; it was a deal through one of the zillion emails I get. I've been watching movies practically non stop (while I do other things, of course) and I have to say it was a good life decision. I've watched everything from the Leondard Cohen documentary Leonard Cohen: I'm Your Man to a season and a half on Dexter, which I have to take a break from because too much gives me nightmares. The "Watch Instantly" feature is pretty darn amazing. I'm diggin' it. So yeah... I'm back to the movie world in a big way, friends. Watch out.

Please forgive me if updates are even less frequent from here on out... I've got a lot on my plate. :o)

Much love.

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