Bienvenidos A Miami
Well, here I am, back in Miami and back to my "real" life. Leaving Boston, and family time in Michigan went by quickly, and now... life calls. I've been dealing with FIU stuff, which is annoying and lame, but whatever. I guess that's what I'll be dealing with for a while--a school that I'd LIKE to give my money to but which makes it difficult to do so.
My last day in Boston was spent in the boy's dorm, watching the boys trickle out one by one. It was sad to see them disperse, but all things must end, and they, too, had real lives to get back too. So they left, and we watched them go, and then... we were free. That afternoon, not wanting to sit in my room and contemplate the return of reality, I went shopping at Filene's Basement with a few co-workers. I discovered nothing exciting, except the most HIDEOUS "necklace" ever, which, at retail price, cost over $550. At the Basement, it was about $250. But price doesn't indicate beauty 'cause this thing is NOT okay!
After the Basement, we made plans as a staff to get takeout and eat it up on the 9th floor of Shelton so we could all really hang out and be together one last time. I got Thai food and split a bottle of wine, and it was a fun night. There was laughter, senior pictures, Flip Cup, Apples to Apples, inside star gazing, and Apples to Apples. Oh yeah, and we managed a group picture, too.
This part is hard to say because it's still so surreal sometimes. All my life, until this past September, I thought I was my mom's oldest, but I'm not. It turns out, I have a brother named Steve who lives in Texas with his wife, my sister-in-law, and their new son, J.P., my nephew. It took a while for this news to sink in, absorb, roll around, and take hold in my mind. I still sometimes can't believe it. But it's undeniable that he belongs to us, and we to him. I can't explain what it's like to meet someone for the first time, and yet know that they just... belong. He belongs with us, but we barely know each other. There's so much of each other that we've missed, but so much also for us to look forward to. Finding out about him has been horrible and wonderful, strange and natural, awkward and comfortable, and a whole plethora of oxymoronic emotions that I can't really describe accurately. They don't tell you how to do this in the guidebook--you kind of just have to figure it out, this new definition of "sibling" and "family" and even "love." I'm at the point now where I see him as an amazing gift; I mean, think about it like this: ever since I was a little girl, I wanted a big brother with hot friends who could beat up every boy who was mean to me or didn't like me or just looked at me the wrong way. Now, he may have missed out on some of the beatings so many guys in my past deserved, and the friends are yet to be determined as hot (not holding out hope 'cause he's a bit older than me), but I got the big brother I wished for. That's pretty crazy.
I know Steve didn't want to meet at the airport for the first time, but my flight was delayed for a little over an hour due to a missing co-pilot and then a mechanical issue that caused us to have to switch planes. This meant a lost hour, so we ended up meeting for the first time, at Gerald R. Ford International Airport which sounds awful, but was actually kind of perfect. You see, I've always loved airports--they're great places to both say hello and goodbye to someone, both of which Steve and I did. I love to travel and so does he, although I never thought that trait came from our mother. He even works at an airport himself. So while it may not have been the greatest of places to meet a long-lost relative, it was what it was, and it was totally appropriate.
After our union (because you can't very well have a REunion with someone you just met), and meeting his wife Raquel and my nephew, we piled back into the Suburban, like so many family vacations, and headed to see Lake Michigan, where any first time visitor to Michigan should spend at least some time. I hadn't seen it in ages and I'm so glad I got to see it again. It's such a beautiful body of water, and the perfect back drop for our first sibling photo.
We went to go to Bronner's, a HUGE Christmas store (and a real CHRISTmas store, not just Santas and reindeer), and to go to the Michigan Military Muesum, where my grandfather has a display. He's not there all the time, as many brave military men and women have donated to the museum, but Stan, the guy who runs it, made sure Grumpa's stuff was there so Steve could see him. It's still sad that they never got to meet; they would have liked each other. Anyway, here's his exhibit.
The following day was spent chillin' at my parents' newly decorated house because Steve, Raquel, and J.P. didn't return to Texas until that evening. I finally got a chance to give J.P. the sweater I'd spent time knitting in Boston. It fit (wahoo!) and was the first time I've actually SEEN something I've made on an actual baby. Although he lives in Texas, I'm sure he'll get some use out of it. :)
The rest of my time in Michigan was spent hanging out with my parents, although I did get to have Beaner's, go shopping, get my eyes dilated, and see Abita. My parents and I (and Lancelot, too!) had a lovely weekend in Traverse City as well. We went to a couple of wineries, walked around downtown a bit, went on a few little walks, got our feet nice and muddy. It was fun. Here are my dad and I near the lighthouse in TC. The ground was SUPER muddy and squishy, but we just figured it was basically a free spa treatment.
I really love that area of Michigan. It's really beautiful, which I forget every time. I mean, look at this view from one of the wineries:
Much love.
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