Sunday, June 21, 2009


In about an hour I'm heading to school for mass, then off to Lake Worth for this year's SALTT camp. We work with Guatemalan children of Mayan descent and sort of do a vacation Bible school for them, teaching them about God and taking them on field trips. It's a week of life change for everyone, chaperons, my students, and little ones, but it's also a week of extreme exhaustion and hard work. So please, if you're inclined, pray for us and the work we're doing.

I've been enjoying myself the past couple of days. Friday I went up to the summer camp at school and taught some dances for the older girls (8-12 years old). It was really fun, great exercise, and the ladies seemed to enjoy it as well so that was awesome. Then Friday night I invited some ladies over for a board game night, where my complete and total dominance in Apples to Apples was established. I. Am. AWESOME at that game. We also played a new version of Taboo that was... interesting. Let's just say Yesi and I are AMAZING at Bendy Bob. lol.

Last night I went to the piano bar (which I'm now having dreams about, by the way) and chilled. Adam and I are CLEARLY BFFs, and he helped make my dream come true by playing "Dick in a Box." I told him so and we ended up chatting for, like, half an hour. He's a super cool guy--it'd be awesome to be friends with him. I love Michigan people. *sigh* I also met a couple other girls while I was dancing, and then this morning and church I saw them there! Random! Miami is such a small town for being so big! But they were awesome ladies and hopefully new friends.

Today Yesi and I filmed our video for our church's summer series promotion and she's currently editing and posting it to YouTube. Whatever video gets the most hits wins, and the winner(s) get a video camera. So be on the lookout for a link to the video in the next couple of days. I'll post it on FB, here in my blog, my LJ, and email, of course. Tell your friends and pass it on! It's acutally pretty cute and funny, so it'll be entertaining. I promise!

Okay...tons to do before I head to school.

Two weeks 'til London town!!!

Happy Father's Day to my dad! I love you. :)

Much love!

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