Tuesday, June 09, 2009

My First Weekend of Freedom!

The stress and anger I felt most of last week all melted away on Friday when we checked out officially for the summer. I had a seriously stressful last week, due to a student who can't manage to follow directions and a poor decision on my part. Anyway, that's all over, and people get what they deserve and life goes on.

Thursday night was a night of premature celebration in the form of the English department's end of the year party. I made Sloppy Joe's ("man food") and we ate, drank, and generally made merry. It was an interesting event, because at last year's party we were saying goodbye to Margie and hello to Melanie, and this year it was goodbye Melanie and hello (again) Margie. Ironic, I suppose, but wonderful all the same.

The highlight of the night was Bree-Ana unveiling the finished version of a song that's been brewing all year. It was captured on video for all of posterity and you can watch it here at YouTube. There are some naughty words, so beware!

Friday night, my first officialy evening of freedom, I met up with my pal Drew and we had dinner and went to a co-worker's show. I have a co-worker who does improv comedy (and apparently has done for years) and so I thought it would be fun to see his show. Turns out, it was a fun night. We ate at a middle eastern place (falafels and baclava are YUM!) and saw the show. Improv always amazes me; the actors (parciticipants?) are so quick! I sometimes think I could do it... but other times I'm convinced I can't. Ahh well, maybe some day.

Saturday morning I had a baby shower to go to for a woman at church. I made her a sweater and it turned out to be perfect--the baby's colors are green, navy, and brown, and I made a mint green sweater. The daddy to be requested two more (Can you guess the colors?) before the little tyke is born.

That afternoon, we had a book club meeting/potluck, a little goodbye to Anya, who's going to New York for the summer. Our book for this meeting was Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close by Jonathan Safran Foer. I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who liked it, or at least I thought so until we discussed it. I figured out a few things throughout the course of the conversation, so I was quite happy about that.

As the evening wore down, we decided a move needed to be made, or it was time for pjs and bed. T, Adam, and I went out to Crazy Pianos (I told you I'm obsessed!). My quest to become BFF with all of the piano players comes further and further to fruition each time I go, and this outing was no exception. Adam (not my upstairs neighbor but the piano player from G.R.) and I chatted for a while and he hooked me up with a shot of tequila. I am not one to turn down such a gift, especially when that gift is from a cute boy who plays piano and has a great smile.

The best part was the two girls who were kind of stalking him were waiting for him at the back bar and eventually worked their way into his buis-nass. I'm certain that I saw the word "help" written in Adam's eyes, but I have no time to fool around with girls like that, and found the whole situation amusing anyway. It was a fun night and we ended up practically closing the place (a first for me and something I haven't done in ages).

Sunday was pool time and church, and I've been working out and working on stuff for the rest of the week. I'm trying to figure out next year, for both my juniors and seniors (yeah, still don't know what I'm doing there...). I've got this week and next before I head to migrant camp, and then a few days later it's London town!

This summer is going to go by very quickly, I can already tell, but I can't wait for London!!

Much love.

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