I wanted to update but my internet HATED me...
My internet died on Friday after school, and was not reborn until today, despite numerous efforts and epic struggles to fix it earlier. My weekend, therefore, seemed a lot longer than it should have. But it was okay. :)
So let's back track. Willy's birthday party was last Wednesday. It was much like last year's party, although we only had to wait about 20 minutes for pictures instead of an hour. I can't deny Willy's cuteness. Clearly, this is a kid who will get by in life on good looks and personality rather than brains. And of course, here are some pics, especially for The BF, who loves Willy. :) Here he is with his cake... I think this is round two of pretending to blow out the candles.
And here's me and Willy. I saw this picture and freaked out for a second because I forgot my hair is short now. I didn't realize it was me in the picture!
Then Thursday was our fieldtrip. We went to the African Culture Center, which is a trip by itself. See, Koreans are still fairly racist. Like, they think black people are monkies and the color will rub off and stuff, like a black person's skin is dirty. Um... get with the program. Anyway, first we went to a show (dancing and stuff) and then walked around a museum (sculptures) where the class wanted to know "Why everything ta-tas?" Yes, I taught them ta-tas. I figured it was better than what they knew before, which was pointing and saying "this one." ANYway... we finished up with the kids banging on some African drums and then we ate lunch and came back to school. Oh, the excitement. Again, pics for your enjoyment. This first one is my kids dancing with one of the African dancers.Then of course the obligatory class picture with the dancers. Can I just say the dudes were RIPPED up? 'Cause they were. Oh, and the lady on the end let me wear her head thingy. It was awesome.
Finally, this is a cute sculpture and a cute picture of my kids being cute by it. Key word here: cute.
There was major drama at school on Friday that I don't feel I really need to discuss here, but let's just say it was WAY too much for a Performance Theater/Big Test Friday. Balls. But Friday night I went to Rodney's and it was relaxing and funny. Phil is my new gay husband and he was telling me a story about a lip sync he did to George Michael's "Faith" while wearing his karate outfit and impersonating a preist. Yeah... I died of laughter and came back to life only to laugh some more. It was THAT funny. Oh man... LOVE that guy.
So I think I'd better make Saturday and Sunday thier own entry, as Blogger is hating me and not letting me post any more pictures. So... until it stops hating me...
Much love!