Friday, December 18, 2009

The Holidays are Upon Us...

I know... It's been too long. I'm sorry about that, but I DO have a lot to update about, so get ready!

First of all, I meant to mention in my last post that, well, a while ago now, UM had an advanced screening of Precious and Tiffany and I went. That movie... was brutal and beautiful all at the same time. It's hard to describe it--it's almost so shocking you don't even react to it. I dunno... I'm really happy I saw it, and everyone in that movie or that had anything to do with it deserves a nomination of some variety. It was definately an experience, and I would reccomend the movie. But be prepared for brutality.

Now onto my Thanksgiving celebration. I went to Eric's house on FIU's campus and he made an amazing turkey. It was only his second bird, but man, was it good! He's a winner, ladies and gentlemen! In fact, here he is with our little friend...

I contributed pumpkin pie (which Rent-A-Husband ate four pieces of) and rosemary, garlic, and goat cheese mashed potatoes, which were DElicious. Rent-A-Husband made stuffing (enough that I ate it for the next two weeks) and sangria which was like the nectar of the gods. Here's our little bartender doing what he does best...

Eric's friend Lora was also in attendance, and she's super fun and awesome. It was a tiny but lovely little party. Afterwards, we played Apples to Apples and this happened...

There is no coincidence, my friends. :)

Also in the holiday spirit, Tiffany and I had a Winter Party to celebrate all things winter. We had our tree up and made wintery food (cheese and beer soup, ham, hot chocolate) and had people over for a potluck. However, we had to clear some counter space to put out all the food (there were crock pots, plural, involved) so we put the liquor in my bathtub. I thought it would be hilarious to take a picture with all of it so... I did!

Nothing says "Joy of the Holidays" quite like a bathtub full of liquor. Nose and horns provided by Tiffany.

And this is our happy little holiday crew, minus Bubba, who's still in Michigan. :(

The night ended, as so many good nights do, with Apples to Apples. But for some reason, I wasn't winning like I usually do. Totally disappointing. Anyway, it was a great time and thanks to everyone who was there! :)

Oh, and just for good measure, here's our tree this year. Tiffany did it in purple. Quite pretty.

Let's see, what else? Two weekends ago I went to Orlando to with Eric to see RENT with the original Mark and Roger. I actually met Anthony Rapp (Mark) in college; he came to Grand Valley for a talk and he signed my CD and sang and talked for a bit. It was awesome. And seeing Adam Pascal (Roger) live has been a dream of mine since I first saw the show in 1997 or 8. I LOVE his voice--I want to liquefy it, put it in a tank, and shower in it every day. That's how magical it is to me. Seeing the both of them was a dream come true--no lie--and I enjoyed it so much. Plus, it was great to spend a day in Orlando with Eric and Lora, and even Lora's mom. It was so, so, so great.

Last weekend I spent at school for ETC #59, which was, as usual, great. I'm always blown away by the ETC experience and the kids that attend. This one was particularly emotionally exhausting for several reasons, but we all made it through and are better for it. I gave the talk on trust and it went pretty well, and a kid was actually able to open up to me about some stuff that was going on with her that she doesn't share, so that was awesome.

Speaking of... one of my kids stayed after school twice this week and, like, poured her heart out to me. It was great, in a way, because I think she really just needed to talk and have someone listen, but in another way it was so tough on me because, like, how do you convince a 17 year old girl she's not in love? Or that there WILL be other boys who will love her? It was hard, but I was there for her so hopefully, that's what she needed. She said to me before she left that she'd heard that sometimes God speaks through other people, and that maybe I was one of those people. I really hope that's true.

Anyway, at the moment I'm killing time before Tanya gets here because we're going to Orlando today! I want to see Disney at Christmas, so I'm really excited.

Wish is safe travels and I'll be in Michigan on Tuesday!

Much love.

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