Before I talk about Halloween, let's mention these creatures that showed up to our faculty meeting the other day. It seems as if they got the memo and had their own faculty meeting because there were, at one point, four of them. Oh, the joys of a school by the bay!

Okay, so now on to the good stuff, Halloween 2009. As most of you know, Halloween and I are, generally speaking, not on the best of terms. First, there's my diabetes issue--the idea of free candy just doesn't thrill like it used to. Then there's my mask phobia--not helpful on Halloween. And the final nail in the casket is that here, Halloween isn't about being something magical or whimsical that you can never be in real life, it's about wearing the least amount of clothing possible without being arrested and claiming it's some sort of costume. Um... No thank you. I don't want to see people's business hanging out everywhere; I'm not comfortable around that and I choose not to be around it, but on Halloween in Miami, you're kind of forced to if you want to do anything remotely interesting.
So... Halloween and I are not friends and I went back and forth as to what I was going to do. Finally I decided on a party at the house of some co-workers, and I decided to dress up as... a skunk! Well, technically I was a "self-conscious skunk" who had flowers on. And I made my own tail, which was epic but came out awesome! I am seriously proud of it. Yay for home made costumes!

I mohawked my hair and wore slipper socks all night. The costume was basically an epic win. :) Here's another picture of me in costume with my good friend Elphaba.

Although the day itself and I are not friends, I am a huge fan of carving pumpkins. Last year, if you all recall, I carved Shakespeare. This year, I changed it up a little and did an American author; since I teach American Lit and all, I feel it was more appropriate. So, meet Edgar Allan Poe-mpkin.

Cool, huh? And yes, I did bring him to school with me and we turned out the lights and lit him up and read "The Raven." Yeah, I know, I'm awesome.
Much love.
Labels: friends, holiday, lasalle, Miami, pics, rant
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