Memorial Day weekend was a lovely one, mostly because I didn't spend it in Miami. It's been raining here for the past two weeks or so. We need the rain, but grey skies are, after a few days, admittedly a bit dreary.
I spent Memorial Day weekend in Michigan, hanging out with my family. It was a rocky road getting there though, because Ali, who was taking me to the airport, got a flat about five miles away, on the side of the 826. It was pretty awesome. My mom had some Macy's gift cards, so Liz and I went shopping on Saturday. I didn't find too much--just a pretty, red, BCBG top, but Liz struck gold. I even found her this amazing outfit that I made her try on.

Totally rock star. It was funny.
Saturday night my mom had an awkward cook-out. I say this because there's this guy that my mom is convinced is my soul mate (a son of one of her friends from nursing school) and she invited him, his parents, and his brother over. I mean, don't get me wrong, he was a cool enough dude, and his little brother I just wanted to put in my pocket, but I just feel like she should have invited more people 'cause yeah... It was just awkward. Fun, delicious, and awkward. But whatever.
Sunday I got to see both sets of grandparents; Mema and Grumpa in the morning, and Abita that evening. Grumpa seemed to know who I was but was otherwise pretty quiet. Abita not only recognized me, but told my uncle I'd be coming earlier in the day! That's pretty amazing, I think.
Of course, we took the obligatory photo with Mema and Grumpa, especially since my sister and I are rarely in the same room...

Oh shaggy Bubba. He's currently in Michigan spending the summer with his grandparents. I just didn't think it was fair to board him for three weeks, or ask someone to watch him for that long, even Tiffany. So he's spending time there and then Liz will (hopefully!!) come and visit and bring him back. I miss his little face and his excitement to see me but he's done this before and honestly? He doesn't much care about me when my mom and dad are around.
Overall it was a great weekend and the weather was amazing--sunny, warm but not hot, perfect.
These past couple weeks have been fun as well. The end of the year is upon us (Thursday WOOO HOOO!) ans teachers at ILS are feeling the need to work less and play more. The night before graduation, we decided to go to this place called Little Hoolie's for Ladies' Night and Kareoke. The best moment was when Tanya asked to sing "Summer Lovin'", only it was the "dirty" version (gross and vulgar) and no one knew. She was slated to sing it with Richard (this guy from work) but pulled reinforcements (i.e. me and, eventually, Nicole) on stage to belt it out with them. Let's be honest here: I saved that performance because, as always, I WORKED that song out. lol I'm sure it was pretty hilarioius to watch, and it was super fun to do.
Here's the whole group:

And in this one, I'm CLEARLY channeling Stockard Channing while Tanya does a mean Olivia Newton John...

Now to relay the adventres of this past weekend. Friday night we had a department meeting at K and Ana's house (beer and pizza were involved, always a plus) and we planned what we're teaching next year. Somehow, we decided it was brilliant to teach five novels instead of four next year. BALLS! I barely got through four! Nightmare. Anyway, I'm excited to teach the new new ones, but that means I have to come up with two new units and shave about two weeks from first semester... Balls again. Yay for summer to actually try to get that done.
Saturday I got up early and was extremely productive by 11 am. It was awesome. I even discovered a shoe repair place that wasn't miles from my house. It was a total win.
Saturday afternoon, T and I hung out for the first time in ages (seriously) and ended up at the mall. She had a total win in the clothing department but I came out the ultimate victor. Not only did I manage to spend my gift card and $10 savings check, I discovered AN ENTIRE ROOM OF CLEARANCE SHOES THAT I NEVER EVEN KNEW EXISTED! And the best part? (Yes, there IS something better...) The shoes in what shall henceforth be known as "The Magic Room" were mostly size 9 and above. HOLLA! Let's just say I got two pairs of shoes for less than the cost of each pair. A. Mazing.
Plus, a Robert Pattinson (Edward Cullen/Cedric Diggory) look-a-like totally works there. His name is Gabriel and yes, I took a picture with him because I am a dork. I would have stalked him until this goal was accomplished, and now I don't have to. Woot! Seriously, though, he looks JUST LIKE
Robert Pattinson...

After the magic of Macy's (those commericals are SO right) I just HAD to wear a pair of new shoes to the piano bar that night. I admit it, I'm obsessed. Don't judge! Mellie and Tiffany had't been yet so we went. At one point we were up to a party of six. I had a great time, like I usually do, and it turns out that not just Tommy, but two of the other piano players are from Michigan! One guy, Dave, is from Sag-nasty and another dude (name pending) is from GR. I'm sure, now that I think about it, that he played at Mojo's. One of the bartenders is from Michigan too. It was awesome--Michigan was in the house! I am now even MORE obsessed with Crazy Pianos and want to live there. *sigh*
Sunday I went to church in the a.m. and then T wanted to go to an outlet mall which she THOUGHT was Aventura. It was NOT. What she
acutally meant was Sawgrass Mills Outlet Mall, which we finally started heading toward after some aimless driving. I'd never been before and should not go again! Let me tell you--I got some DEALS. Or I could have had I completely lost my mind and bought everything I wanted to buy. But let's just say the Coach outlet was deadly, and I got a sweater at BCBG for $19. You can barely get a sweater at Target for $19! I'm gonna head back there before I go to London, I think, to stock up for the trip and I may go school clothes shopping there too. There were SO MANY stores we barely even saw any of them, but I think it's good we went with a specific shopping agenda in mind. Tiffany? Bag for school/work. Me? Collared button down for work. Missions accomplished, with a few treats thrown in.
Man, this weekend was all about spending money, but I saved more than I spent so that makes it okay, right?
It's the last week of school, finals week, and I've got two down and three more to go. Let me just say, we can't be done soon enough! I was angry (like, my hands were shaking angry) for most of the day today because of my precious, precious angels. Good riddance to them and God bless David who has to teach them as seniors.
Bring on the department party and the summer!
Much love.
Labels: family, holiday, Lancelot, lasalle, link, Miami, Michigan, pics, t, travel