I'll be home for Christmas!
I'm leaving for Michigan tomorrow morning. My flight leaves around 11, and my friend Dianna is coming to pick me up at 8. She is a rockstar! Of course, she lives literally within walking distance of my place, so that helps. I'm hoping the weather doesn't hold me back. T and Annie made it back okay today, no weather problems, so I'm hoping the same happens tomorrow.
The past week was busy, although not really with work. The kids had finals, so I basically sat on my bum for three hours each day and played around on Facebook. I did get quite a bit of planning done, got some handouts made, all that good stuff. It was actually kind of nice. I also got a few gifts from kids, which was unexpected and totally appreciated. The best thing? A $25 gift card to Borders. In my head, it's already spent. Awesome!
The rest of my days last week were consumed with social events, which is pretty ironic considering all the other weeks before that were basically me, alone, grading papers. Monday I met with this girl from church who's going to Korea at the end of the month. We met up for icecream (organic icecream!) and a pow wow. I'm so excited for her to go, and she's excited too. talking to Lauren really made me miss Seoul and my friends there.
Anyway... I also got a parking ticket because my meter ran out. I was LITERALLY SITTING ACROSS THE STREET and I got a ticket. Um... go ticket someone who's driving 15 miles over the speed limit, or running red lights, or turning left from the far right lane. How about that, jerk? Darn you E. Berkowitz. That name doesn't even sound real...
Tuesday was the faculty luncheon at school which was actually eventful. I won three raffel prizes--some bar mixes, a 24 pack of Samuel Adams holiday beers, and a $50 gift certificate to an Italian restaurant. In fact, our entire table except one person won a prize. It was pretty karmic, we decided--payback from the universe for the Sunday afternoon we spent tallying the results of a survey. Ahh, Karma is good. As is beer.
Wednesday I went out for a celebratory dinner for Anya's graduation. We went to this sushi restaurant, RA, and it was amazing. I'd been there once before over the summer, I think, and it was great then but this time... I ordered the most magical concotion ever. Scallops, mushrooms, and some sort of mildly spicey sauce. It. Was. Perfection. I need to go back and have it again ASAP. T met up with us a bit later, after dinner, for a celebratory cocktail. It was a fun night, although I was slightly sleep deprived the next day, but oh well. I got over it.
Here's a pic from the night, T, my neighbor Adam, and I at Martini Bar. Building B repreSENT!

Thursday was the last day of school (holla!) and the English department party, where my beer was definately put to good use. We gathered at Moya's house and just hung out. I really love my department--some of the most intelligent, funny, and talented people I've ever known. I am blessed by my job, truly.
Here's the whole crew, with our new English Department gear--we got hats this year. Mine says, "Ali G." So cute!

Geez, I'm getting sappy around the holidays.
Anyway, I've got a couple more pictures to post, namely of our tree in Miami, which are still on my camera and I'm too lazy to download at this point. Plus, I forsee lots of free time in the next week and a half or so. Free time in which I will upload many pictures, I'm sure.
Say a prayer for no blizzards tomorrow!
Much love.
Labels: friends, holiday, lasalle, Miami, Michigan, rant, t, travel