Sunday, June 15, 2008

Newest Obsessions

It's been a kind of weird week. My glucometer dissappeared into thin air (seriously, it did) and I had to get a new one in a hurry. Luckily, the dude at CVS "knows a guy" and I got one for free. This was especially awesome because I was thinking my old trusty one would show back up, but no such luck. So free meter for me! It's tiny and green and super cute. Win! Plus, I got a random text from someone who I haven't talked to in ages (nor really had the desire to talk to) and it was just weird because I'm sure it was a mistake. It made me feel all awkward inside. lol Plus, I've tried to cut down on my TV watching (read: I'm limiting myself to two episodes of Take Home Chef a day because I'm obsessed) so I can actually accomplish stuff instead of being hypnotized for hours. It's working, so yay. Plus, I still get my 6'4" of Aussie goodness, so everyone wins.

Lately I've been a little bit obsessed with ADELE and Katy Perry. I can't fight it--I actually bought their stuff off iTunes; it's that serious. ADELE is chubby and British and her voice is totally sultry and sleek--amazing. She is awesome. And Katy Perry is the new Cindy Lauper--just feel-good jams that make you want to sing along. She does a cover of "Use Your Love" by The Outfield that makes my life amazing. I JAM to that in my car like it's my job. In fact, the other day, I'm driving to Tiffany's work and blasting that shizz and this dude next to me LOVED it. It was awesome.

Speaking of going to Tiffany's place of employment, I went because her, Dee, Sam, and I went to go see The Happening on Friday, the new M. Night Shamalyn (Shamalayan? Shamalaun? Shamalamadingdong? I dont' know...) movie. My issues were the following: too many story lines that weren't really tied together well, mucho mucho gore, lots and lots of death and my main beef: Marky Mark remaining fully clothed. Um... When there are brain harming toxins of death in the air, and you go outside, TAKE OFF YOUR SHIRT AND USE IT AS A MASK MARKY MARK! DUH! Sooooo dissapointing. But I love Zooey Deschanel a lot, so my life wasn't that bad. In short, I don't reccomend it, especially not for a $10 ticket. BALLS.

Also too expensive? Gas. I'm kind of above paying $4 for a gallon... I'm about to be in a pinch, y'all. Serioulsy. I'm below a quarter of a tank.

Hmm, what else? Trying to be more active this summer than during the year. I'm trying to take Lancelot to the dog park twice a week (accomplished last week, awww yeah!) and take him for longer walks. We both could stand to lose a little bit of poundage, so that's the goal. Plus, I think I'm officially a size smaller and that gives me joy in my soul. Holla!

I went to the beach for the first time this summer on Friday. It was a mind over matter situation, too. I went to walk Lancelot in the a.m. and it was cloud-ish and gross, looking like it was going to rain but I said, "NAY! I'm going to la playa!" I even drove through a little rain (just sprinkles, but still rain) on the way there, but once I arrived it was so nice! Blue sky, no ominous rain clouds, it was great. Strapped on the iPod (Katy Perry and ADELE, lol) and layed in the sun. Sometimes, I guess, Miami is awesome. Sometimes. A little bit.

I head to migrant camp next Sunday for a week of madness, I'm sure. I don't even want to think of the confusion that will ensue... A week with Ms. D=mucho chaos, I can already tell.

I've also been rocking on my book this week and I can't wait to finish. I've been reading The Mists of Avalon since Avalon actually existed... or so it seems. And OMG emo Lancelot breaks my heart! *el sigh* I'm serioulsy going to have to decompress from this book. It appeals so deeply to my inner nerd that I want to belive it's real. I'm lame. Whatever.

Happy Father's Day, Daddy!

Much love!

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Monday, June 09, 2008

Summertime and the livin' is easy...

School's been out, officially, since Friday. We had to go in and "check out" (hand in keys, unplug crap, print enough garbage to fill a large recycling bin) and then it was sweet, sweet freedom. A few of us went out to lunch afterwards to a place called Scotty's that overlooks the water. It was a decent place, basically a bunch of tables under a tarp, and Lancelot was allowed in so it made me happy, since I took him to school with me. :) The assistant principal's daughter LOVED him and walked him all over the office, following me around until I left. It was cute.

Speaking of Lancelot, he's had a pretty exciting life lately! We found a new dog park with really nice grass and a little pond. Bubba went swimming for the first time! I was curious to see how he would react to swimming, since he doesn't really seem to like water, but he did a great job. I walked out into the water with him and he kept going deeper and deeper, sticking his paw out into the water, almost like he was trying to figure it out. Then he just stepped off and started swimming, although he kept circling in between my legs like some sort of obstacle course. It was cute! I took pictures, of course.
He's almost smiling he seems so proud of himself!

My dog is awesome. That's all there is to it. But his life wasn't all fun and games either. He went to the vet and got shots and a clean bill of health, although he's lost no weight, despite my best efforts. He and I could both stand to lose a bit, so maybe with the summer we'll take longer, more frequent walks. That may be the answer.

Nothing else too exciting as of now. My first event at church was yesterday and it went well. I was nervous because, I guess, no matter how well you plan things can still go wrong, but everything worked out and all the volunteers got to eat and everything went off pretty smoothly. I'm going in later today to work a bit more. I'm quite happy to have SOMEthing to do this summer, other than watch America's Best Dance Crew (OMG OBSESSED with it) and Take Home Chef. Don't judge.

Much love.

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