Sunday, September 23, 2007

Less like vacation

Being here in Miami is starting to seem less like a vacation and more like a life. Things are getting to me. The people here are getting to me. There seems to be something wrong with many of them. The customer service here is heinous, completely and utterly unacceptable. I'm talking, people answer their cellphone in the middle of a transaction horrible. I can't deal with it. In fact, it's so bad that the one time I actually had a pleasant experience, I took the time to write a comment card and send it in because I was so shocked. Serioulsy... palm trees are nice but living here isn't. I like my school, and teaching's growing on me (except for freshmen, who are the most hideous and evil creatures on the planet) but Miami is too hot, people are too mean, and there's too much traffic. For starters.

The BF and I saw a movie on Friday night, my first here. In fact, I haven't seen a movie since the day before I left Michigan. Pretty sad, I know. Unfortunately, I don't think I'll be seeing many while I live here. We went to a 7:15 movie and it was crawling with adolescents. Adolescents who feel the need to talk (and not in whispers either, in full on conversational voices) and answer text messages throughout the movie. THE ENTIER TIME. I don't have that much to say to people I haven't seen in three years and I've been to 9 countries. What is WRONG with them? Who told them that sort of behavior was okay? Probably their parents who do the same thing. It's like everyone in this city immature and irresponsible and self-centered. It's driving me crazy.

Anyway, the movie itself was decent. We saw Across the Universe. It wasn't as amazing as I wanted it to be, and it was sort of trippy and weird at times, but still totally worth seeing. Even for $9.50 with people talking the whole time. I must say that "Strawberry Fields" will never be the same for me after that movie. Disturbing in the best possible way.

I haven't really been up to much else of import. I just work a lot and don't do much else. We keep saying we'll have people over but we still have pictures to hang and we need to have time to clean and actually prepare to have people over. T and I are just constantly busy. We hadn't been to the grocery store in two weeks and finally went yesterday. That's how bad it was.
I do have one little story to tell. I changed my pump in the bathroom at school the other day, and it must have been in a vein, or something because I pulled the IV thingy out and it started GUSHING blood. It was SUPER sick and scary. I thought I would bleed to death in a bathroom at LaSalle high school. Horrible. Anyway, this little debacle got me a wicked brise about the size of a fifty-cent piece. I took pictures it was so dang big. Here, check it out:
Here's a zoomed in one... Pretty gross, eh?

Yikes. What a nightmare.

Anyway... Lots of school stuff coming up. Homecoming weekend is in the middle of October and this year it's a big deal because it's the school's 50th anniversary. There's even going to be a black tie dinner gala thingy. I really want to go (alum is sponsoring seats for faculty and staff) but I don't want to go alone so I'm trying to convince T to come too. It should be interesting, in the very least. Maybe there'll be some hot, single alum who find me irresistable. Or at least some gay boys so I can build up my posse. Either or will do.

I'll try to update more often than I do, I'm just so tired and busy all the time I'm finding it difficult to even get my work done, let alone update my blog. But once again, thanks for reading. I'm sure I miss you.


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Wednesday, September 05, 2007

Still alive...

Okay, so I'm still alive. For the time being, anyway. The past two weeks have been absolutely crazy. I've been at school every day until at LEAST 4, some days til 5 or so with Student Council. The dance was Friday, so things have calmed down on that front, which is a HUGE relief. I seriously was in over my head... I had way too much to do and not enough time to get it all done. Brutal. Anyway, things have calmed down until homecoming in October, so I'd better make the most of it now.

I mentioned the dance on Friday. Yeah, I spent my 26th birthday chaperoning a high school dance. Sadly, I think that's the closest to a birthday prom I'll ever get. It's all so sad. The Sadistic Jew (the guy at school in charge of discipline) told me I should go home because the dance was "no way to spend a birthday" but I felt bad so I stayed. It wasn't horrible; apparently the kids were very well behaved (they usually aren't... or something). At one point, Sister Pat (our principal) raced two of the other chaperones across the gym from sheer boredom. You KNOW there's nothing going on when the nun is racing people across the gym (and cheeting, too!).

This past weekend we went to Sarasota to get our furniture. It was nice getting to play with cute little kids (the BF's cousins are 2 and 4) and Olivia kept saying, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY ALICIA!!" She didn't really grasp the concept that it was already over. But it was cute. Saturday night we went out to Tommy Bahamas for dinner and then David cooked a "birthday dinner" on Sunday. Olivia helped decorate my cake, which had cream cheese frosting (read: the best frosting on the planet).

Anyway... last night the BF and I got the bed put together (she bought it but I'm using it instead of storing it somewhere). It's the biggest bed in creation... seriously. It's SO huge. Anyway here are some pics of what my room looks like. They're grainy and crap because I had to take them on my phone 'cause my digital camera is dead. Yeah, I know. I was thrilled too.

This is from the doorway. The brown curtain is covering my window.

This is a view of the bed and the wall it's against. Tori's there watching over me, as she should always be. It's a pretty nice bed... just too big for such a small room, I think. And not really to my taste, either.

This is the wall opposite the bed. It's pretty crowded over there, but still livable. My crates barely have room, but oh well.

So that's my room. I'll post some living room pics once we get it all sorted. It's still pretty much a mess, and the BF's dad is here so it might be that way until the end of the week.

I'll try to be better about updating now that my computer's back from it's epic journey to Best Buy (bastards) and I'm not living at school.

Much love!

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